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The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Malaysian Chamber of Commerce, Industry in China and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China is pleased to invite you to the training ‘PIONEERING ISO26000 ADVANCING YOUR RESPONSIBLE MANAGEMENT STRATEGY’ organized by Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati and Officina Etica Consulting, in Shanghai on February 23rd 2012.
The ISO26000 guidelines are the most comprehensive international framework on social responsibility aimed at guiding any kind of organization in the process of integrating social responsibility principles throughout the organization, on a voluntary basis.
Following the growing pressure of various stakeholders, organizational leaders who recognize the urgency for more credible, transparent and accountable business practices, are now requested to put the principles into practice and to implement social responsibility effectively and efficiently.
The ISO26000 Training will help organizational leaders in understanding how social responsibility can bring benefits to the organization in terms of risk management, cost savings, access to capital, customer relationships, human resources management and innovation capacity.
There is no more time for doubts whether having a social responsible strategy is the right choice or not: it is time to address social responsibility in the interests of the organization and of society as a whole.
To learn how, sign now to our Training!
Who should attend?
• Top Managers (CEO, CFO, CAO…)
• Department Chiefs (Human Resources, Customer satisfaction, QHS, International sales..)
• NGOs
• CSR Managers, CSR Professionals
• Officials from Government organizations
About the speakers:
Mr. Zhang Jun Feng, Deputy General Director, Institute of International Labor and Social Security Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security P.R.C.
Mr. Zhang is an expert in social responsibility and represented China at the international commission that issued the standard “ISO26000”. Author of pillar publications on CSR in China such as: “How to contrast employment discrimination and improve employment equality”; “The impact of CSR on Chinese and Foreign trade companies activities”; “The influence of CSR on social and labour security system in China”.
Mrs. Paola Gennari Santori, CEO, Officina Etica Consulting
Mrs. Gennari is an expert on social responsibility systems and an ethical consultant. Partner of Officina Etica Consulting has more than 10 years experience in social reporting & accountability, processes to support sustainable development, stakeholder engagement and social communication.
Mr. Pan Li Dong, Partner, Wang Jing & Co.
Mr. Pan has a considerable experience as legal counsel in the following areas: environmental law, corporate law, real estate, cross-border investment, employment law etc. He has acted as legal counsel on solving environmental issues in process of mining, project construction, corporate operation, advising on environmental risks in corporate transactions, and development and maintenance of corporate environmental due diligence programs.
Ms. Giulia Iemmolo, CSR Consultant, Sustainability Unit Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati
Ms. Iemmolo is specialized in CSR trends and strategies in China, NGO and local authority engagement, Chinese community involvement projects. She is responsible for the Sustainability Unit in China.
About the organization:
The “Sustainability Unit” of Pirola Pennuto Zei & Associati Tax and Legal services was established in 2009, in Beijing, in collaboration with Officina Etica Consulting, a consulting firm specialized in CSR, sustainability and philanthropy.
The “Sustainability Unit” guides companies operating in China, in implementing a more sustainable business model through practices that enhance the competitiveness of a company while simultaneously advancing the economic and social conditions in the community where the company operates.
9:00 - 9:30 Registration
9:30 - 9:45 Opening remarks
China’s understanding of CSR/ Overview of CSR implementation in China/Most relevant concerns for international buyers that want to implement CSR in China/Future Trends of CSR in China
10:15 -11:00 INTRODUCTION TO ISO26000
Scope / Terms and Definition / Principles of Social Responsibility / Recognizing Social Responsibility and Engaging Stakeholders
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
Human Rights / Labour Practices / The Environment / Fair Operating Practices / Consumer Issues / Community Involvement and Development
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break
Environmental Management System in China
Officina Etica Consulting tool
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break
16:00-16.30 CASE STUDIES
16.30-17:00 Q & A
17:00-17:15 Closing Remarks
Registration: Information must be entered on the enclosed form.
Please complete the form, then either scan and send to infoshanghai@cameraitacina.com or fax to: +86-21-54075182 by 15th February 2012.
Method of Payment: The payment of the course fee shall be issued within 3 days from the mailing of the preregistration form.
Bank transfer: 宝络来(北京)咨询有限责任公司
Bank of China Beijing, World trade Centre Branch. No. 1 JianWai Avenue Beijing.
China World Tower II NB101-NB102. 100004
国贸大厦 二座NB101-NB102, 邮:100004
Bank commission fee shall be paid by the payer.
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