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Dear Members,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to inform you that within the framework of the “EU-China low carbon and environmental sustainability programme” calls for tender and proposal are expected to be launched in May/June 2012.
The European Commission is promoting the “EU-China Low Carbon and Environment Sustainability Programme” with the intention to attract into China Public and Private Organizations which operate in the environmental and energy fields, or towards the sustainable development of urban areas.
The programme consists of three fundamental projects:
1. the development of Emission Trading Systems (ETS);
2. Sustainable Urbanization;
3. Environmental Sustainability (with particular attention towards water pollution, waste disposal and limiting heavy metal contaminations).
The total project cost is estimated at EUR 27.25 million, of which EUR 25 million shall be financed from the general budget of the European Union.
Project 1. Emissions Trading System. Restricted call for tender expected in June 2012.
Value: EU fund Euro 5 Million.
Recipients: Ministry of Environment Protection, Local authorities, private companies, National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)
Objective: the reduction of CO2 emissions through the realization and implementation of ETS pilot models on a provincial level.
Project 2. Sustainable Urbanization. Restricted call for tenders are expected in June 2012.
Value: EU fund Euro 9 Million and 400 Thousand;
Recipients: Municipalities (especially Mayors), Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MHURD) and affiliated institutions (i.e. Major Associations); other experts in the sector.
Objective: assistance to the local Municipalities in choosing and adopting efficient and sustainable solutions. It also entails technical support to the MHURD in defining and putting into practice the best possible policies, financial strategies and promoting intercultural relations between local administrations and Europe.
Project 3. Environmental Sustainability. Open call for proposal expected in May 2012.
Value: EU fund Euro 9 Million and China € 2 Million and 250 Thousand;
Recipients: Ministry for Enviroment Protection; territorial agencies for the enviroment; centres of research and accademic organisations; firms and citizens.
Objective: support towards the authorities in the reduction of water pollution, pollution from heavy metals and development of recycling facilities.
To know more about the rationale, description and implementation issues, please consult the “Action Fiche II”.
Best Regards,
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