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The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the Press Conference on “Italian Hospitality Seal Awarding Ceremony” 2016 edition, which will take place at ICE booth within the Food Hospitality China Exhibition (FHC) in Shanghai on 7th November at 2:30 pm.
For this 2016 edition, the Italian restaurants certified with the “Italian Hospitality Seal” will be firstly announced on 7th November during a Press Conference dedicated to the “Italian Hospitality” project and to other activities which involve the Italian F&B excellence in China. The restaurants that have gained the certification 2016-2017 will receive the Italian Hospitality Seal and certification in occasion of other events organised by each CICC offices.
The “Italian Hospitality Seal” is a certification of quality, promoted by Unioncamere with the administrative support of the National Institute for Tourism Research (IS.NA.R.T.), and in collaboration with 5 Ministries (Foreign Affairs, Cultural Heritage, Economic Development, Tourism and Agriculture), given every year to those Italian restaurants in China that respect the Italian traditional recipes using only “Made in Italy products”. The project is realized thanks to the collaboration of the Italian Chambers of Commerce Abroad (CCIE).
Furthermore, part of the Press Conference will also feature an introduction to the “First week of the Italian Cuisine in the World” project (Prima Settimana Della Cucina Italiana nel Mondo), an initiative of MAECI, MIPAAF and MIUR, that will take place all over the world from 21st to 27th November 2016.
Why you should join this event:
To find out more about the Italian restaurants certified this year in China
To join the up-coming events of the CICC offices and Sistema Italia on the F&B, and of the First week of the Italian Cuisine in the World
To engage with the entrepreneurs working in the F&B industry to brainstorm new activities and initiatives
14:30 - 15:00 Registration
15:00 - 16:00 Press Conference
More information about the detailed program will be communicated soon.
SAVE THE DATE and confirm your participation by sending an email to sh.ospitalita@cameraitacina.com before 6th November (limited space available, first-come-first-served).
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