Dear Members, dear Customers
China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) asks for your valued opinion about CICC services.
Please fill in the questionnaire.
The CICC is glad to announce the launch of the first CICC Business Survey 2018. Results will be collected until September 20th, then analyzed and made public to provide an unprecedented added value to the CICC network.
As Chairman of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce,
I am pleased to present the first CICC Business Survey, a project started under the initiative of CICC Board Members and developed by CICC Staff to contribute to the accomplishment of CICC’s mission in the PRC.
The survey has been structured so as to detect, firstly, the nature of the Sino-Italian Business Community in the PRC with the ultimate goal of aggregating Italian companies operating within this country thus expanding CICC’s network. Secondly, through an extensive analysis of companies’ main requirements and feedbacks about services currently provided by the CICC, this survey aims at advancing CICC’s effort to better meet its Members’ needs.
I hope that you could dedicate 25 minutes of your precious time to fill in the CICC Business Survey which results will be made public, thus representing an unprecedented added value.
I thank you all in advance for your important contribution to the realization of this project.