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Interchamber Business Networking - Shenzhen, April 25th, 2019
Interchamber Business Networking - Shenzhen, April 25th, 2019
Dear Members and Friends,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong, The Australian Chamber of Commerce - South China, the Benelux Chamber of Commerce in China, The French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in China, The German Chamber of Commerce - South and Southwest China, Swiss Chinese Chamber of Commerce in China and The Spanish Chamber of Commerce in China, is glad to invite you to the Interchamber Business Networking, that will be held in Shenzhen on April 25th , at the InterContinental Hotel (广东省深圳市华侨城深南大道9009号).
18:30 - 19:00 Registration
19:00 - 22:00 Networking
Ticket Price:
The Interchamber Business Networking fee is 220 RMB/PAX for Members and 330 RMB/PAX for Non Members.
Early – bird price before April 22th is 200 RMB/PAX for Members and 300 RMB/PAX for Non Members.
To book a ticket please send an e-mail to by April 24th, including the following information: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number
Cancellation at least 24 hours prior to the event, otherwise you will be charged anyhow.
To book a ticket please send an e-mail to by April 24th, including the following information: • Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number
Event language:
220 RMB for members
330 RMB for no members.
Early – bird price before April 22th:
200 RMB for members
300 RMB for no members.