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CICC EEPWG Launch Networking Event | Shanghai, September 9th 2021
CICC EEPWG Launch Networking Event | Shanghai, September 9th 2021
Dear Members and Friends,
The Energy and Environmental Protection Working Group (EEWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the first networking meeting with the newly appointed leadership of the group.
The informal meeting will take place in Shanghai on Thursday, September 9th, at Funkadeli, 163 Yanping Rd (上海市静安区延平路163号).
This will be an occasion to network with Members in the industry and share suggestions and idea for the future activities of the groups. The EEPWG aims at promoting Italian excellence in the sector and offers a platform to create opportunities and support the companies in the network.
For the registration, please click here or scan the QR code on the flyer:
Ticket Price
CICC Members: 150 RMB
Non-Members: 250 RMB
About the EEWG Group
EEPWG welcomes all Italian companies, entities and individuals operating within the energy and environmental protection industrial sectors along the relative value chains (upstream, downstream, fossil energy, renewable energy, distribution, consumption, emission/water/waste/soil treatment, energy saving, etc.).
The Energy and Environmental Protection Working Group (EEWG) of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to invite you to the first networking meeting with the newly appointed leadership of the group.
The informal meeting will take place in Shanghai on Thursday, September 9th, at Funkadeli, 163 Yanping Rd (上海市静安区延平路163号).