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China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) asks for your valued opinion about CICC services.
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The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) is glad to inform you that the China-Italy Young Professional Network (中YP意) is currently looking for (up to) 1 Coordinator and 2 Vice Coordinators.
The group represents young professionals and students from different nationalities (up to 30 years old) - within the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC).
Send us your Candidacy
We invite you to present your candidacy if you meet the following criteria:
(a.) you are a CICC Young Professional Member, in the process of becoming a YP Member or a CICC Member (up to 30 years old).
(b.) you are currently based in China or abroad*.
*at least 2/3 among the Coordinator and Vice-Coordinators must be based in China
Not a Young Professional Member yet? Young Professionals can join CICC at a discounted rate. Learn how to become a Member (here)
Candidacy process
Send us your CV and a short statement presenting your experience and reasons for candidacy to bj.rsvp@cameraitacina.com.
December 28th, 2021
Voting Process:
Upon candidates’ list publication, each Young Professional Member can vote for max 1 candidate for Coordinator and 1 candidate for Vice-Coordinator by sending an email to bj.rsvp@cameraitacina.com by January 14th (proxies are not accepted).
Results announcement:
The results will be announced during a meeting of the network open to CICC Members – date to be communicated. The results will be published after the meeting on CICC Official Channels.
For any questions contact us at: bj.rsvp@cameraitacina.com
About the China-Italy Young Professional Network (中YP意)
The “China-Italy Young Professional Network (中YP意)“ is a group – within the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) – that represents young professionals and students from different nationalities (up to 30 years old). CICC Young Professional Members are like-minded individuals with a strong interest in cultivating professional and personal development and growth their career in China.
The group aims at providing young professionals with a platform to share ideas and resources, career insights and organize relevant activities with the support of the Chamber and its network.
By joining the network young individuals can get in contact with the Sino-Italian business community in China and expand their professional network.
The CICC Staff
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