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The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) successfully held its Monthly Networking Dinner on Wednesday, September 18th at Frasca, in Shanghai.
This time, attendance has definitely come back to the ordinary, as around 60 people participated to the dinner. In particular, this time we had the pleasure to host a high number of Non-Members, giving us the chance to welcome them to the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce context, in a lively and joyful atmosphere at Frasca, where delicious Italian food and wine were served.
Moreover, this time we had the pleasure of having our CICC Chairman Lorenzo Riccardi at dinner, who gave a speech of a few minutes, thanking those attending and highlighting the presence of various and numerous companies. The Chairman also wanted to emphasize the great dynamism of the business community active in China, bringing to the table the numerous events that the Chamber has organized on the occasion of institutional visits to China of this past months, such as the visit of the Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and future events of the Chamber, such as the visit of the Italian Republic President Sergio Mattarella and the event Notte Italiana in Beijing, which will take place on November 23rd in the Chinese capital.
CICC would like to thank all the participants who joined the dinner and a big thank you goes to Frasca for hosting the event, preparing delicious authentic Italian food for the night.
CICC would also like to thank its wine sponsor for the night, Lunanera, who took care of serving our guests with some superb Italian white, red wine and a and a sweet pleasant Moscato wine, to accompany the dessert.
About our monthly networking dinner
The event is part of a series of networking dinners that we are hosting monthly in Shanghai, to give people a chance to mingle and network in a more relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
There is no better setting than good food and good wine to accompany conviviality. We hold these dinners each time at a different venue, generally picking from Italian restaurants, or restaurants with Italian chefs, in Shanghai.
All the networking dinners are open both for CICC Members and Non-Members.
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