
Webinar on Patent Registration Strategies in China | Useful Tips for Businesses

The preparation work for a patent registration is crucial to benefit the most from it. In the Webinar "Patent Registration Strategies in China: the Santoni Case Study", organized on November 15th 2021 by our Intellectual Property Working Group (IPWG) together with our Innovation and Technology Working Group (I&TWG), we tried to provide a comprehensive overview on such an important issue for companies operating in China.

Webinar on Patent Registration Strategies in China | Useful Tips for Businesses

The preparation work for a patent registration is crucial to benefit the most from it. In the Webinar "Patent Registration Strategies in China: the Santoni Case Study", organized on November 15th 2021 by our Intellectual Property Working Group (IPWG) together with our Innovation and Technology Working Group (I&TWG), we tried to provide a comprehensive overview on such an important issue for companies operating in China.

Webinar "Il comparto agroalimentare in Cina, opportunita' e sfide: l'esperienza delle aziende italiane", 25 Novembre 2021

25 Novembre 2021
Cari Soci e Amici della CCIC, Il 25 novembre 2021 il nostro Food and Beverage Working Group (F&BWG) terrà il webinar "Il comparto agroalimentare in Cina, opportunità e sfide: l'esperienza delle aziende italiane". Il webinar vuole delineare lo stato delle cose nel settore F&B in Cina attraverso il Position Paper realizzato anche con il contributo delle aziende italiane e le varie problematiche che le stesse stanno affrontando nella fase post Covid-19. Sarà l'occasione per approfondire grazie all'esperienza dei vari speaker le principali dinamiche che regolano il mercato del settore agroalimentare in Cina. L'evento si terrà in italiano. Per registrarsi, si prega di scannerizzare il QR code nel seguente flyer:     Speaker Cristiano Bernardi, Vice Coordinatore del Gruppo di lavoro F&B (F&BWG), Sales Director di VM Fine Wines, Sommelier AIS (Associazione Italiana Sommelier) Nicola Coppi, Fondatore e CEO di Food Vending China Cristina Corsini, Coordinatrice del F&BWG e CEO di Good Italy LTD Andrea De Sio, Manager della GF Logistic China e Rappresentante del Gruppo di lavoro della Logistica (LWG) Davide Fassari, Vice Coordinatore del F&BWG e CEO di Dynamigs Edoardo Noce, Vice Coordinatore del F&BWG e Marketing Manager di Fabbri 1905   Agenda 15:50 - 16:00 Attivazione collegamento piattaforma Zoom 16:00 - 16:10 Saluti di apertura e presentazione generale del Gruppo di lavoro F&B (F&BWG) a cura di Davide Fassari, Vice Coordinatore del F&BWG e CEO di Dynamigs 16:10 - 16:15 Attività e programma del F&BWG (Piattaforma CICC F&B E-Commerce e Brand watch event) a cura di Edoardo Noce, Vice Coordinatore del F&BWG e Marketing Manager di Fabbri 1905 16:15 - 16:40 "China F&B Overview: the Position Paper" a cura di Cristina Corsini, Coordinatrice del F&BWG e CEO di Good Italy LTD 16:40 - 16:50 "Il mercato alimentare post Covid-19 ed in particolare dei surgelati e la supply chain" a cura di Nicola Coppi, Fondatore e CEO di Food Vending China 16:50 - 17:10 "Il contesto del F&B nel sud della Cina" a cura di Cristiano Bernardi, Vice Coordinatore del F&BWG, Sales Director di VM Fine Wines, Sommelier AIS (Associazione Italiana Sommelier) 17:10 - 17:20 "Import in Cina, attualità e scenari per il 2022" a cura di Andrea De Sio, Manager della GF Logistic China e Rappresentante del Gruppo di lavoro della Logistica (LWG) 17:20 - 17:30 Q&A e Conclusioni   Dettagli sull'evento Data: Giovedì 25 novembre 2021, 16:00-17:30 (ora cinese) Luogo: Online Lingua: Italiana Il Webinar è aperto a tutti e gratuito per i Soci della CCIC. Per i non Soci il costo è di 120 RMB. Se avete domande da porre ai nostri speaker, scriveteci a:   Scopri di più sul nostro Gruppo di lavoro F&B Il Gruppo di lavoro F&BWG comprende tutte le aziende che lavorano nel settore F&B/Ho.Re.Ca, come produttori, aziende che importano prodotti italiani in Cina, ristoranti italiani, ecc. Nonostante il F&B sia uno dei settori più frammentati e in transizione, rappresenta un'incredibile opportunità per le aziende italiane. Per questo la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina ha deciso di istituire un gruppo di lavoro dedicato.   Non sei ancora associato alla CCIC? Contatta: The CICC Team​​

Webinar "Il comparto agroalimentare in Cina, opportunita' e sfide: l'esperienza delle aziende italiane", 25 Novembre 2021

25 Novembre 2021
Cari Soci e Amici della CCIC, Il 25 novembre 2021 il nostro Food and Beverage Working Group (F&BWG) terrà il webinar "Il comparto agroalimentare in Cina, opportunità e sfide: l'esperienza delle aziende italiane". Il webinar vuole delineare lo stato delle cose nel settore F&B in Cina attraverso il Position Paper realizzato anche con il contributo delle aziende italiane e le varie problematiche che le stesse stanno affrontando nella fase post Covid-19. Sarà l'occasione per approfondire grazie all'esperienza dei vari speaker le principali dinamiche che regolano il mercato del settore agroalimentare in Cina. L'evento si terrà in italiano. Per registrarsi, si prega di scannerizzare il QR code nel seguente flyer:     Speaker Cristiano Bernardi, Vice Coordinatore del Gruppo di lavoro F&B (F&BWG), Sales Director di VM Fine Wines, Sommelier AIS (Associazione Italiana Sommelier) Nicola Coppi, Fondatore e CEO di Food Vending China Cristina Corsini, Coordinatrice del F&BWG e CEO di Good Italy LTD Andrea De Sio, Manager della GF Logistic China e Rappresentante del Gruppo di lavoro della Logistica (LWG) Davide Fassari, Vice Coordinatore del F&BWG e CEO di Dynamigs Edoardo Noce, Vice Coordinatore del F&BWG e Marketing Manager di Fabbri 1905   Agenda 15:50 - 16:00 Attivazione collegamento piattaforma Zoom 16:00 - 16:10 Saluti di apertura e presentazione generale del Gruppo di lavoro F&B (F&BWG) a cura di Davide Fassari, Vice Coordinatore del F&BWG e CEO di Dynamigs 16:10 - 16:15 Attività e programma del F&BWG (Piattaforma CICC F&B E-Commerce e Brand watch event) a cura di Edoardo Noce, Vice Coordinatore del F&BWG e Marketing Manager di Fabbri 1905 16:15 - 16:40 "China F&B Overview: the Position Paper" a cura di Cristina Corsini, Coordinatrice del F&BWG e CEO di Good Italy LTD 16:40 - 16:50 "Il mercato alimentare post Covid-19 ed in particolare dei surgelati e la supply chain" a cura di Nicola Coppi, Fondatore e CEO di Food Vending China 16:50 - 17:10 "Il contesto del F&B nel sud della Cina" a cura di Cristiano Bernardi, Vice Coordinatore del F&BWG, Sales Director di VM Fine Wines, Sommelier AIS (Associazione Italiana Sommelier) 17:10 - 17:20 "Import in Cina, attualità e scenari per il 2022" a cura di Andrea De Sio, Manager della GF Logistic China e Rappresentante del Gruppo di lavoro della Logistica (LWG) 17:20 - 17:30 Q&A e Conclusioni   Dettagli sull'evento Data: Giovedì 25 novembre 2021, 16:00-17:30 (ora cinese) Luogo: Online Lingua: Italiana Il Webinar è aperto a tutti e gratuito per i Soci della CCIC. Per i non Soci il costo è di 120 RMB. Se avete domande da porre ai nostri speaker, scriveteci a:   Scopri di più sul nostro Gruppo di lavoro F&B Il Gruppo di lavoro F&BWG comprende tutte le aziende che lavorano nel settore F&B/Ho.Re.Ca, come produttori, aziende che importano prodotti italiani in Cina, ristoranti italiani, ecc. Nonostante il F&B sia uno dei settori più frammentati e in transizione, rappresenta un'incredibile opportunità per le aziende italiane. Per questo la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina ha deciso di istituire un gruppo di lavoro dedicato.   Non sei ancora associato alla CCIC? Contatta: The CICC Team​​

Webinar "Il comparto agroalimentare in Cina, opportunita' e sfide: l'esperienza delle aziende italiane", 25 Novembre 2021

25 Novembre 2021
Cari Soci e Amici della CCIC, Il 25 novembre 2021 il nostro Food and Beverage Working Group (F&BWG) terrà il webinar "Il comparto agroalimentare in Cina, opportunità e sfide: l'esperienza delle aziende italiane". Il webinar vuole delineare lo stato delle cose nel settore F&B in Cina attraverso il Position Paper realizzato anche con il contributo delle aziende italiane e le varie problematiche che le stesse stanno affrontando nella fase post Covid-19. Sarà l'occasione per approfondire grazie all'esperienza dei vari speaker le principali dinamiche che regolano il mercato del settore agroalimentare in Cina. L'evento si terrà in italiano. Per registrarsi, si prega di scannerizzare il QR code nel seguente flyer:     Speaker Cristiano Bernardi, Vice Coordinatore del Gruppo di lavoro F&B (F&BWG), Sales Director di VM Fine Wines, Sommelier AIS (Associazione Italiana Sommelier) Nicola Coppi, Fondatore e CEO di Food Vending China Cristina Corsini, Coordinatrice del F&BWG e CEO di Good Italy LTD Andrea De Sio, Manager della GF Logistic China e Rappresentante del Gruppo di lavoro della Logistica (LWG) Davide Fassari, Vice Coordinatore del F&BWG e CEO di Dynamigs Edoardo Noce, Vice Coordinatore del F&BWG e Marketing Manager di Fabbri 1905   Agenda 15:50 - 16:00 Attivazione collegamento piattaforma Zoom 16:00 - 16:10 Saluti di apertura e presentazione generale del Gruppo di lavoro F&B (F&BWG) a cura di Davide Fassari, Vice Coordinatore del F&BWG e CEO di Dynamigs 16:10 - 16:15 Attività e programma del F&BWG (Piattaforma CICC F&B E-Commerce e Brand watch event) a cura di Edoardo Noce, Vice Coordinatore del F&BWG e Marketing Manager di Fabbri 1905 16:15 - 16:40 "China F&B Overview: the Position Paper" a cura di Cristina Corsini, Coordinatrice del F&BWG e CEO di Good Italy LTD 16:40 - 16:50 "Il mercato alimentare post Covid-19 ed in particolare dei surgelati e la supply chain" a cura di Nicola Coppi, Fondatore e CEO di Food Vending China 16:50 - 17:10 "Il contesto del F&B nel sud della Cina" a cura di Cristiano Bernardi, Vice Coordinatore del F&BWG, Sales Director di VM Fine Wines, Sommelier AIS (Associazione Italiana Sommelier) 17:10 - 17:20 "Import in Cina, attualità e scenari per il 2022" a cura di Andrea De Sio, Manager della GF Logistic China e Rappresentante del Gruppo di lavoro della Logistica (LWG) 17:20 - 17:30 Q&A e Conclusioni   Dettagli sull'evento Data: Giovedì 25 novembre 2021, 16:00-17:30 (ora cinese) Luogo: Online Lingua: Italiana Il Webinar è aperto a tutti e gratuito per i Soci della CCIC. Per i non Soci il costo è di 120 RMB. Se avete domande da porre ai nostri speaker, scriveteci a:   Scopri di più sul nostro Gruppo di lavoro F&B Il Gruppo di lavoro F&BWG comprende tutte le aziende che lavorano nel settore F&B/Ho.Re.Ca, come produttori, aziende che importano prodotti italiani in Cina, ristoranti italiani, ecc. Nonostante il F&B sia uno dei settori più frammentati e in transizione, rappresenta un'incredibile opportunità per le aziende italiane. Per questo la Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina ha deciso di istituire un gruppo di lavoro dedicato.   Non sei ancora associato alla CCIC? Contatta: The CICC Team​​

Seminar "New Work Practices Emerging in China: What Has Changed", November 18th, Nanjing

18 Novembre 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), the EU SME Centre and the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) are glad to invite you to the seminar "New Work Practices Emerging in China: What Has Changed", which will be held both ONLINE and OFFLINE at Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd. on November 18th 2021 from 1:50 pm to 4:30 pm (China Standard Time). Our discussion aims to provide European SMEs with an overview of: • How COVID-19 has changed work practices in China, including in terms of flexibility, smart working, fringe benefits, etc. • How to hire, train, retain and fire talents – both local and foreigners – over the long-term against the backdrop of evolving work practices (White collars/Blue collars..)   During our seminar, we will provide professional advice to answer the above questions. Please submit your questions in advance to:         Speakers Mr Riccardo Verzella, Senior Associate at D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel ”Mr. Verzella is an Italian-qualified lawyer currently serving as the responsible attorney for Nanjing Office of D’Andrea & Partners Legal Consuel, based in Shanghai. He has more than five years of legal experience in Italy and China with particular focus on civil and labor law. He has cooperated to the drafting of the Practical Guide CLL – Labor Law in China with Mr. Carlo D’Andrea and other professionals of D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel, published in China with the cooperation of EUSME center and in Italy with the cooperation of Class Editori. He has been entrusted by Wolters Kluver Italy for the realization of private trainings on Chinese labor laws and regulations (with particular focus on the procedures for dismissals) for the global HR managers of important Italian multinational companies (e.g. Dompe’ Pharmaceuticals). He has intervened as speaker in various seminars dedicated to labor law and work-injury regulations.” Mr Kenneth A. Taylor Jr, founder of Nanjing Ying Bao Management and Consulting Company “I’m an American raised in the South. I have a BS in Urban & Regional Planning with minors in Music Education & Geographic information Science, a Masters in Public Administration focused in on Non-profit management and policy and procedures, 120 hr. TEFL, and several certifications. I have been a part of the education and business world now for 18 years: international and diverse students groups ranging from 3-66 years of age. During my time I have used my experience as a teacher, mentor, consultant, supervisor and business manager to impact the lives of many people. I have managed large federal and local government programs, organized events of all kinds and negotiated in hostile environments. My way of working allows me to maintain my sense of honor and respect while getting a job completed that meets the needs of all involved.” Frank Redecker, CEO-Partnter of Reach Talent, Board member of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China "Frank has nearly 10 years General Manager experience in China and more than 35 years world-wide experience in various different industries, like manufacturing, automotive, heavy machinery and foundry. He is focused on creating mind-set change that will enable corporation business to evolve to a sustainable and self-sufficient Learning Organization. He has remarkable records by transforming organization through strategic and organizational development, process optimization and reengineering based on LEAN management and 6SIGMA principles, including restructuring and organizational redesign and realignment across the business segments. For more than 8 years Frank served as an elected board member the European Chamber of Commerce of China in Nanjing as well as in Tianjin. The experience to support companies and talents from European Countries and China to learn and benefit from each other is the key objective of his company REACH Talent Consulting the international talent bridge of X-Giants Group. He want to contribute to grow the cooperation between the various cultures."   Event Details Method: Online/Offline Time & Date: Thursday, November 18th, 1:50 pm - 4:30 pm Place: Nanjing City, Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd. (No.7 Jing Ming Street, Riverside Economic Development Zone, Jiangning, Nanjing city, Jiangsu / 滨江开发区景明大街7号) Target Audience: European SMEs in China, Chambers of Commerce, Embassies Price: Free of charge   Agenda  12:30 PM Departure from Nanjing South Railway station to Marposs Nanjing* 1:30 PM - 1:50 PM Registration 1:50 PM - 2 PM EU SME Centre and CICC Introduction 2 PM - 2:15 PM Welcome speech 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM “New Employment Trends and Challenges in the PRC: Regulatory Aspects and Compliance Suggestions”, Mr Riccardo Verzella, Senior Associate at D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM “Covid-19 Impacts, in the Hope of Helping More Companies to Strengthen Their Status”, Mr Kenneth A. Taylor Jr, founder of Nanjing Ying Bao Management and Consulting Company 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM “White Collars and Blue Collars Cases” discussion moderated by Mr Frank Redecker, CEO and Partner of Reach Talent, Board member of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China  3:45 PM - 4 PM Q&A session 4 PM - 4:30 PM Coffee break and greetings 4:30 PM Departure from Marposs Nanjing to Nanjing South Railway station* *Please note that we will provide a bus from Nanjing South Railway Station to Marposs Nanjing at 12:30 PM and from Marposs Nanjing to Nanjing South Railway station at 4:30 PM.   You can also join the morning session of the CICC MEWG Intercompany Network at Marposs Nanjing (same place of the seminar), starting from 9:30 pm. In this case, we will provide a bus from Nanjing South Railway station to Marposs Nanjing at 8:15 am (meeting point at 8:00 am Nanjing South Railway North Square). Follow the link below to check all details:     The CICC Team

Seminar "New Work Practices Emerging in China: What Has Changed", November 18th, Nanjing

18 Novembre 2021
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), the EU SME Centre and the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC) are glad to invite you to the seminar "New Work Practices Emerging in China: What Has Changed", which will be held both ONLINE and OFFLINE at Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd. on November 18th 2021 from 1:50 pm to 4:30 pm (China Standard Time). Our discussion aims to provide European SMEs with an overview of: • How COVID-19 has changed work practices in China, including in terms of flexibility, smart working, fringe benefits, etc. • How to hire, train, retain and fire talents – both local and foreigners – over the long-term against the backdrop of evolving work practices (White collars/Blue collars..)   During our seminar, we will provide professional advice to answer the above questions. Please submit your questions in advance to:         Speakers Mr Riccardo Verzella, Senior Associate at D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel ”Mr. Verzella is an Italian-qualified lawyer currently serving as the responsible attorney for Nanjing Office of D’Andrea & Partners Legal Consuel, based in Shanghai. He has more than five years of legal experience in Italy and China with particular focus on civil and labor law. He has cooperated to the drafting of the Practical Guide CLL – Labor Law in China with Mr. Carlo D’Andrea and other professionals of D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel, published in China with the cooperation of EUSME center and in Italy with the cooperation of Class Editori. He has been entrusted by Wolters Kluver Italy for the realization of private trainings on Chinese labor laws and regulations (with particular focus on the procedures for dismissals) for the global HR managers of important Italian multinational companies (e.g. Dompe’ Pharmaceuticals). He has intervened as speaker in various seminars dedicated to labor law and work-injury regulations.” Mr Kenneth A. Taylor Jr, founder of Nanjing Ying Bao Management and Consulting Company “I’m an American raised in the South. I have a BS in Urban & Regional Planning with minors in Music Education & Geographic information Science, a Masters in Public Administration focused in on Non-profit management and policy and procedures, 120 hr. TEFL, and several certifications. I have been a part of the education and business world now for 18 years: international and diverse students groups ranging from 3-66 years of age. During my time I have used my experience as a teacher, mentor, consultant, supervisor and business manager to impact the lives of many people. I have managed large federal and local government programs, organized events of all kinds and negotiated in hostile environments. My way of working allows me to maintain my sense of honor and respect while getting a job completed that meets the needs of all involved.” Frank Redecker, CEO-Partnter of Reach Talent, Board member of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China "Frank has nearly 10 years General Manager experience in China and more than 35 years world-wide experience in various different industries, like manufacturing, automotive, heavy machinery and foundry. He is focused on creating mind-set change that will enable corporation business to evolve to a sustainable and self-sufficient Learning Organization. He has remarkable records by transforming organization through strategic and organizational development, process optimization and reengineering based on LEAN management and 6SIGMA principles, including restructuring and organizational redesign and realignment across the business segments. For more than 8 years Frank served as an elected board member the European Chamber of Commerce of China in Nanjing as well as in Tianjin. The experience to support companies and talents from European Countries and China to learn and benefit from each other is the key objective of his company REACH Talent Consulting the international talent bridge of X-Giants Group. He want to contribute to grow the cooperation between the various cultures."   Event Details Method: Online/Offline Time & Date: Thursday, November 18th, 1:50 pm - 4:30 pm Place: Nanjing City, Marposs (Nanjing) Automation Co., Ltd. (No.7 Jing Ming Street, Riverside Economic Development Zone, Jiangning, Nanjing city, Jiangsu / 滨江开发区景明大街7号) Target Audience: European SMEs in China, Chambers of Commerce, Embassies Price: Free of charge   Agenda  12:30 PM Departure from Nanjing South Railway station to Marposs Nanjing* 1:30 PM - 1:50 PM Registration 1:50 PM - 2 PM EU SME Centre and CICC Introduction 2 PM - 2:15 PM Welcome speech 2:15 PM - 2:45 PM “New Employment Trends and Challenges in the PRC: Regulatory Aspects and Compliance Suggestions”, Mr Riccardo Verzella, Senior Associate at D’Andrea & Partners Legal Counsel 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM “Covid-19 Impacts, in the Hope of Helping More Companies to Strengthen Their Status”, Mr Kenneth A. Taylor Jr, founder of Nanjing Ying Bao Management and Consulting Company 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM “White Collars and Blue Collars Cases” discussion moderated by Mr Frank Redecker, CEO and Partner of Reach Talent, Board member of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China  3:45 PM - 4 PM Q&A session 4 PM - 4:30 PM Coffee break and greetings 4:30 PM Departure from Marposs Nanjing to Nanjing South Railway station* *Please note that we will provide a bus from Nanjing South Railway Station to Marposs Nanjing at 12:30 PM and from Marposs Nanjing to Nanjing South Railway station at 4:30 PM.   You can also join the morning session of the CICC MEWG Intercompany Network at Marposs Nanjing (same place of the seminar), starting from 9:30 pm. In this case, we will provide a bus from Nanjing South Railway station to Marposs Nanjing at 8:15 am (meeting point at 8:00 am Nanjing South Railway North Square). Follow the link below to check all details:     The CICC Team

Dinner Celebrating the Sustainability and the Italian Cuisine Tradition, November 23rd, Shanghai

23 Novembre 2021
  Dear Members and Friends, In the framework of VI Edition of the "Settimana della Cucina Italiana nel Mondo/Week of Italian Cuisine in the World”, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), in collaboration with the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai, the Italian Trade Agency (ITA-ICE) and the Italian National Tourist Board (ENIT), kindly invites you to take part in a special Monthly Dinner celebrating the idea of aesthetics that perfectly combines with product quality in the concept of "Tradition and Prospects of Italian Cuisine: Understanding and Optimizing Food Sustainability". The aim of the evening will be to promote the Mediterranean diet as a balanced model and gastronomic lifestyle able to counteract food waste.   About the "Week of Italian Cuisine in the World" iana nel Mondo/Week of Italian Cuisine in the World" is promoted by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the International Cooperation, the Italian Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies, the Italian Ministry of Education, and the Italian Ministry of Economic Development. It aims to raise the awareness of authentic and genuine Italian food and cuisine and to promote high quality Italian products all over the world.     For this month, we will organize a special edition of our Monthly Networking Dinner, combining it with the "Week of Italian Cuisine in the World". The event will take place on Tuesday, November 23rd, at Roma (No.1006 Kangding road, Jing’an District, Shanghai, China / 中国上海市,静安区,康定路1006号,罗马餐厅一楼) starting from 6 pm. Registration starts at 5:30 pm. The dinner price to be paid online is 450 RMB, and it includes both dinner, drinks, and all activities of the night.   Interested in joining? Scan the QR Code and follow the steps to sign up!   During the night will held a Wine Masterclass by Marianna Salzillo of Sino Drink, "Sustainability from Grapes to Glass", and a Cooking Show by Chef Giampaolo focused on " he Tradition of Gramma Fettuccine"  Furthermore, Mr Mattia Romeo, special guest of the event, will present ITA last video promoting the Protected Geographical Indication (IGP) Italian products*.   *About the "China-EU Geographical Indication Agreement" On March 1st 2021, an agreement between the Government of the People’s Republic of China and the European Union related to the cooperation and protection of geographical indications (“the EU-China GIs Agreement”) came into effect. 26 of the 100 EU Geographical Indication products are from Italy. The GI (Geographical Indications) system is a special product quality control system and an intellectual property protection system adopted for famous, excellent, and special products with distinctive regional characteristics. The “origin” refers to the specific geographic region of a particular country where a special product is produced, the geographical features and cultural characteristics of the specific geographic region, will directly determine or affect the quality, characteristics, or reputation of the product.   Agenda 17:30 - 18:00 Registration 18:00 - 18:30 Cooking Show by Chef Giampaolo "The Tradition of Gramma Fettuccine" 18:30 Guest will seat  18:40 - 18:50 Welcome Speech and presentation of the menu by Mr Valtero Canepa, Vice Chairman CICC 18:50 - 19:15 Institutional Greetings by Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai, Introduction of the New Section of Italian restaurants in Shanghai that will be launched on the Mini Program of the Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai, Italian Trade Agency (ITA-ICE) and Mr Mattia Romeo, launch of ITA last video promoting the Protected Geographical Indication (IGP) Italian products 19:15 - 19:40 Wine Masterclass by Marianna Salzillo from Sino Drink "Sustainability from Grapes to Glass" 19:40 - 19:45 Menu presented by Chef Giampaolo 19:45 Dinner is served 20:30 Presentation of the F&BWG of the CICC (speaker tbc) 21:30 CICC, CG, ITA on the stage to make a toast to the Italian culture of food   During the night, videos from ENIT on the different Italian regions will be shown on the screen.   Menu Appetizer: Pizza Margherita Meat balls Porchetta with homemade Roman focaccia Masciarelli Trebbiano d’Abruzzo DOC 2020   First meal: Pasta alla gricia with Pecorino Romano (one of the 26 Geographical Indication products) Homemade ravioli with ricotta cheese and spinach Masciarelli Villa Gemma Bianco Colline Teatine IGT  2020   Main course: Mix sausages and beef fillet grilled with roasted potatoes and confit mushrooms Masciarelli Marina Cvetic Montepulciano d`Abruzzo DOC  2017   Dessert: Gramma fruity pie   The wine is sponsored by:   Not a Member yet? Send an email to   The CICC Team


23 Novembre 2021
  亲爱的会员们和朋友们 中国意大利商会(CICC)与意大利驻上海总领事馆、意大利对外贸易局(ITA-ICE)和意大利国家旅游委员会(ENIT)共同诚挚邀请您参加本月特别举办的“每月晚宴”;本月晚宴是在第六届《世界意大利美食周》框架内举办的,主题为《意大利美食的传统和前景:了解和优化食品可持续性》,旨在体现美学与产品质量完美结合的理念。 本次晚宴的目的是推广地中海美食,它是一种平衡饮食,更代表了一种能够抵消食物浪费的生活方式。   关于“世界意大利美食周” 《世界意大利美食周》由意大利外交部和国际合作部、意大利农业、食品和林业政策部、意大利教育部和意大利经济发展部携手推动的。 目的是提高正宗意大利食品的知名度,在全球推广高品质的意大利产品。     本月,我们将结合《世界意大利美食周》,组织一次特别的每月晚宴。 活动将于11月23日星期二在上海举办(地址:中国上海市静安区康定路1006号罗马餐厅一楼),晚六点开始。宾客下午5:30开始登记。 晚宴费用可在线支付,价格为450元人民币,其中含晚宴、饮品及晚上的所有活动。   有兴趣加入吗?扫描二维码并根据提示注册! 其中两项活动为:来自Sino Drink的Marianna Salzillo策划的葡萄酒大师课,主题为《从葡萄到玻璃杯的可持续性》;厨师Chef Giampaolo带来的主题为《奶奶的意大利宽面条》。 另外,活动的特邀嘉宾Mr Mattia Romeo会展示ITA最新短片,推广法定地理产区标示(IGP)的意大利产品。   *关于《中欧地理产区标示协议》* 2021年3月1日,中华人民共和国政府与欧洲联盟就地理产区标志的合作与保护达成了一项协定(“欧盟-中国GIs协定”)。100种欧盟地理产区标示产品中有26种来自意大利。 GI(地理产区标示)系统是一种特殊的产品质量控制体系,也是对具有鲜明地域特色的名、优、特产品采用的知识产权保护体系。“产地”是指生产特定产品的特定国家的特定地理区域,特定地理区域的地理特征和文化特征将直接决定或影响产品的质量、特征或声誉。   日程安排 17:30 - 18:00 登记 18:00 - 18:30 厨师Giampaolo的烹饪秀《奶奶的意大利宽面条》 18:30 宾客入席 18:40 - 18:50 中国意大利商会副会长康华特(Valtero Canepa)先生致开幕词并公布菜单 18:50 - 19:15 意大利驻上海总领事馆致欢迎词,并介绍将在上海开设的新意大利餐馆路段,详情请大家关注意大利驻上海总领事馆的小程序意大利对外贸易局(ITA-ICE)致欢迎词和发布宣传意大利法定地理产区标识(IGP)产品的最新视频。 19:15 - 19:40 来自Sino Drink 的Marianna Salzillo传授的大师级葡萄酒课“从葡萄到酒杯的可持续性” 19:40 - 19:45 主厨Giampaolo介绍菜单 19:45 晚宴开始 20:30 中国意大利商会鸣谢食品饮料赞助商(发言人待定) 21:30 中国意大利商会、总领事馆和意大利对外贸易局一起上台,与宾客共同具举杯庆祝意大利食品文化在中国生根发芽   晚上会在大屏幕上播放ENIT提供的关于意大利各地区的视频。   菜单 开胃菜: 玛格丽特披萨 肉丸子 意大利旋风烤五花肉配自制佛卡夏 – 罗马大饼 玛氏·特雷比亚诺白葡萄酒DOC 2020 第一道菜: 格里恰意面配佩科里诺干酪(26种地理产区标示产品之一*) 自制意式云吞配里科塔奶酪和菠菜 玛氏·维拉吉玛酒庄庄园宝石系列泰廷山白葡萄酒IGT  2020 主菜: 炭烤香肠和牛肉片配烤土豆和油封蘑菇 玛世酒庄玛丽娜·茨韦蒂奇系列珍藏蒙特布查诺红葡萄酒DOC  2017 甜点: 外婆水果饼   葡萄酒由______赞助   还不是会员?发送电子邮件至   中国意大利商会团队


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