

17 Maggio 2017
尊敬的各位会员朋友们:         中国意大利商会很高兴地通知您,我们将与de Bedin & Lee LLP 律师事务所一起举办一次关于食品安全的研讨会。             此次活动将在意大利中心(Spazio Italia)展开,活动时间为2017年5月17日。         活动地点:重庆 渝中区 八一路250号 81广场第三层L305。          此次研讨会的内容为:中国餐饮安全概况。主讲人为Helen Morris律师,以中英双语展开。        研讨会涵盖两个板块,第一部分主要介绍中国“十三五”规划中关于食品安全的计划,概述中国在国家食品安全方面的优先事项;其次,概述现行《中华人民共和国食品安全法》,并将重点介绍其与2015年《食品安全法》相比不同的条款与规定。   活动流程: 14:30)                嘉宾签到 15:00—16:00)   研讨会 16:00—16:30)   问答环节与人际交流   报名费: 会员:100元 非会员:150元 如果您对此次活动感兴趣,请在2017年5月15日前联系我们,我们的邮箱是   主讲人介绍:      de Bedin & Lee LLP是一家有国际视野的律师事务所,为各行业,包括汽车、航空、商品、能源、时装、保险、制药、私募股本、运输及玩具业等提供广泛的法律及商业服务。de Bedin & Lee LLP的律师来自世界各地,精通以中文、英文、意大利文、西班牙文、法文及德文,提供各方面的香港法律意见。在全球其中之一领先的国际金融及资本服务的经济体系中,本行合伙人及其他律师协助客户有关香港、中国及其他地区的投资项目。 de Bedin & Lee LLP 律师事务所合伙人,Helens Morris女士介绍: —业务领域:    企业、诉讼   —职称等级:    香港高等法院律师    英格兰和威尔士最高法院律师    美国加州律师   —教育水平:     英国萨尔福德大学,当代政治与历史荣誉文学士     英国曼彻斯特城市大学,法学研究生     英国曼彻斯特城市大学,法律实务课程   —职业经历:    商业和公司法、国际贸易、特许经营与行政许可安排、商业诉讼、保险、债务重组与破产。  

Food Safety Seminar - Chongqing - 2017.05.17

17 Maggio 2017
Dear all, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with de Bedin & Lee LLP is organising the Food Safety Seminar.     The event will take place at Italian Centre (Spazio Italia-意大利中心) on Wednesday, May 17th, 2017. Address: 81 Plaza 3rd floor, Bayi Road 250, Jiefangbei, Yuzhong District, Chongqing 重庆渝中区八一路250号 81广场第三层L305.   The seminar, hosted in English and Chinese by the Lawyer Ms Helen Morris will focus on an overview of Food and Beverage Safety in the PRC. The speech will be divided into two main sections, first, on the 13th Five Year Plan on Food Safety in which there will be outlined the PRC’s priorities in relation to national food safety. Second, coverage of a general outline of the Food Safety Law in the PRC and highlight the key changes from the previous Food Safety Law in 2015. Agenda: 14.30)  Registration 15.00 - 16.00)  Seminar 16.00 - 16.30) Q&A and Networking   Participation fee: Members: 100 RMB Non Members: 150 RMB If interested in joining the event, please contact us at within May 15th, 2017.   About the Speaker: de Bedin & Lee LLP is an internationally focused law firm, providing an extensive range of legal and commercial services in various industry sectors including automotive, aviation, commodities, energy, fashion, insurance, pharmaceuticals, private equity, shipping and toys. With lawyers from across the world de Bedin & Lee LLP delivers its services in Chinese, English, Italian, Spanish, French and German, with a full capability in Hong Kong law. Based in one of the world’s leading international financial and capital service economies, the Firm’s partners and various associates assist their clients in relation to their investment projects in Hong Kong, the People’s Republic of China and elsewhere in the region. Helen Morris, Partner at Bedin & Lee LLP - Practice Areas: Corporate, Litigation - Professional Qualifications:  Solicitor, High Court of Hong Kong Solicitor, Supreme Court of England and Wales Attorney-at-law, California, USA - Education BA (HONS) Politics and Contemporary History, University of Salford (UK) Graduate Diploma in Law, Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) Legal Practice Course, Manchester Metropolitan University (UK)   - Professional Experience: Commercial and corporate law, restructuring, distribution, franchising and licensing arrangements, international trade, general commercial litigation, insurance, debt restructuring and insolvency.  

Factory Tour - Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co., Ltd. - Chongqing - 2017/05/23

23 Maggio 2017
  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to a guided tour of our honored member and worldwide known diesel engine manufacture Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co., Ltd. (SFH) 上汽菲亚特红岩动力总成有限公司( on May 23rd 2017.   About the Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co., Ltd. (SFH): Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co. Ltd. (“SFH”) is a joint venture founded by the world top 500 company CNH Industrial, SAIC Group and Chongqing Machinery & Electronics Group in 2007. Covering an area of 270,000 square meters, SFH delivers the world class technology, quality and performance and it provides to its customers 3 series of main products: Cursor, NEF and F1 engines for on-road and off-road vehicles, as well as power generation applications.   SFH introduced whole product family and related advanced technology and design philosophy from FPT Industrial, the brand of CNH Industrial specialized in powertrains. SFH is rooted in China and it is devoted to build stronger power for China Industry, relying on European most advanced powertrain technology. SFH has highly automated machining and assembly lines, with superior supply chains and the most advanced international manufacturing management system and it is also the first CNHi's Chinese plant recognized for its manufacturing excellence with a Bronze Level certification by the World Class Manufacturing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1:30 PM) Departure by shuttle bus from CICC Office to SFH Address: 重庆市北部新区云杉南路10号,重庆涉外商务区B4号23楼; Building B4, Floor 23, Foreign Business District, No.10 South Yunshan Road, North New Zone. Agenda:   2 PM) Arrival at the SFH factory, Welcome and Greetings 2:05 PM) Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co., Ltd. Company Introduction by General Manager, Mr. Federico Bullo 2:20 PM) Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co., Ltd. Plant Introduction by Deputy Director of Production Department, Mr. M.F.Peltzer 2:35 PM) Plant Visit 3:15 PM) Coffee Break 3:30 PM) Q&A session and networking 4 PM) Transfer from SFH to CCIC by SFH shuttle bus   Participation Fee: Members: 100 RMB Non-Members: 200 RMB   Limited tickets availability, priority will be given to CICC Members. Seats will be assigned on a “first come best served” basis. For reservation & info please contact us at within May 19th 2017.

Loving Jiefangbei Italian Festival - Chongqing 17-27.05.2017

17 Maggio 2017
Dear Members and Friends,   We would like to share an important initiative that will be held in Chongqing, Yuzhong District from May 17th to 27th 2017. Loving Jiefangbei – Italian Festival 2017 will cover 11 days of celebration for the Italian excellences in the fashion industry, sports, design, F&B, automotive, art and music. Here the link to the press conference. The activity is organised by the Administrative Committee of Jiefangbei and Managed by Sparkle China, supported by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Italian Consulate General in Chongqing and World Financial Center Chongqing.   Find out here the event general presentation.   The rundown of the Festival will involve: 17-27th May: Open Italian Lifestyle Market 17-18th May: F&B Festival 19-21st May: Italian Automotive Festival 22-23rd May: Smoking Pipe Festival 24th May: Football Day 25-27th May: Italian Fashion Show, brands products exposition/sales and Fashion Forum. The participation for the visitors is free of charge, for the companies interested in rent an exhibition booth or taking part to the festival please find out here the detailed PDF regarding the details for attending and costs of the initiative. For more information or a tailor made solution please contact us: within May 8th, 2017.


17 Maggio 2017
尊敬的会员和意大利之友:         我们非常高兴通知大家,此次盛会将于2017年5月17日至27日在重庆市渝中区开展。         2017爱上解放碑——意大利文化节将持续11天,集中展示意大利时尚、运动、设计、餐饮、汽车、艺术以及音乐行业的成就与魅力。        点击这里了解此次活动的新闻发布会。          此次活动的主办单位为重庆解放碑中央商务区管理委员会,承办单位是斯帕克中国,中国意大利商会、意大利驻重庆总领事馆以及重庆环球金融中心为此次活动的支持单位。         点击这里了解此次活动的详细日程安排。 此次意大利文化节主要包括以下活动: 5月17日—27日:意大利生活集市 5月17日—18日:意大利美食美酒节 5月19日—21日:意大利机车狂欢节 5月22日—23日:意大利烟斗文化节 5月24日:意大利足球日 5月25日—27日:意大利时装节,时尚产业论坛以及城市奥特莱斯展卖        游客可免费参与此次活动,有意向参与此次活动或租赁展位的公司请点击这里,了解此次活动的招商方案以及相关费用。        想要了解更多资讯或者定制解决方案,请在2017年5月8日之前联系我们,我们的邮箱

Loving Jiefangbei Italian Festival - Chongqing 17-27.05.2017

17 Maggio 2017
Dear Members and Friends,   We would like to share an important initiative that will be held in Chongqing, Yuzhong District from May 17th to 27th 2017. Loving Jiefangbei – Italian Festival 2017 will cover 11 days of celebration for the Italian excellences in the fashion industry, sports, design, F&B, automotive, art and music. Here the link to the press conference. The activity is organised by the Administrative Committee of Jiefangbei and Managed by Sparkle China, supported by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, Italian Consulate General in Chongqing and World Financial Center Chongqing.   Find out here the event general presentation.   The rundown of the Festival will involve: 17-27th May: Open Italian Lifestyle Market 17-18th May: F&B Festival 19-21st May: Italian Automotive Festival 22-23rd May: Smoking Pipe Festival 24th May: Football Day 25-27th May: Italian Fashion Show, brands products exposition/sales and Fashion Forum. The participation for the visitors is free of charge, for the companies interested in rent an exhibition booth or taking part to the festival please find out here the detailed PDF regarding the details for attending and costs of the initiative. For more information or a tailor made solution please contact us: within May 8th, 2017.


23 Maggio 2017
        中国意大利商会非常高兴邀请您于2017年5月23日到上汽菲亚特红岩动力总成有限公司(Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co., Ltd.,简称:上菲红, SFH)工厂参观,上菲红公司不仅是我们商会宝贵的会员,更是一个具有国际知名度的柴油机制造企业。   上汽菲亚特红岩动力总成有限公司简介:        上汽菲亚特红岩动力总成有限公司(“上菲红”)由世界500强企业:凯斯纽荷兰工业集团、上汽集团以及重庆机电集团于2007年联合创立,总占地面积27万余平方米。        公司始终秉承国际顶级先进技术,质量控制以及产品性能,向其客户提供三大系列柴油发动机产品:CURSOR、NEF和F1发动机,用以道路、非道路运输、船机以及发电设备等应用领域。        公司引进菲亚特动力科技工业(凯斯纽荷兰旗下专注动力总成的品牌)全系产品及其世界领先的发动机技术、工艺和设计理念,扎根中国,致力于以欧洲领先的动力科技为崛起的中国工业打造勃勃雄“芯”。        公司采用高自动化程度的产品装配线和机加工生产线、完善的物流配套系统、国际先进的制造管理体系-世界级制造(WCM)以达到国内顶级的先进制造水平,是凯斯纽荷兰工业旗下第一家以优秀的制造管理水平取得WCM铜牌的中国企业。 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 下午1:30,从中国意大利商会重庆办公室出发,统一乘坐上菲红公司大巴车; 重庆意大利商会地址:重庆市北部新区云杉南路10号,重庆涉外商务区B4号23楼   活动安排: 下午2点,到达上菲红公司,欢迎会; 下午2:05, 上汽菲亚特红岩动力总成有限公司公司介绍,介绍人:总经理Federico Bullo先生; 下午2:20,上汽菲亚特红岩动力总成有限公司工厂介绍,介绍人:生产部副总监M.F.Peltzer先生; 下午2:35,工厂参观; 下午3:15,咖啡休息时间; 下午3:30,问答、社交环节; 下午4点,乘坐大巴回到中国意大利商会重庆办公室。   报名费: 会员:100元 非会员:200元   名额有限,优先考虑中国意大利商会会员。 座位将按“先到先得”的原则分配。 名额预定以及更多活动信息,请在2017年5月19日前联系我们。

Factory Tour - Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co., Ltd. - Chongqing - 2017/05/23

23 Maggio 2017
  The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is pleased to invite you to a guided tour of our honored member and worldwide known diesel engine manufacture Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co., Ltd. (SFH) 上汽菲亚特红岩动力总成有限公司( on May 23rd 2017.   About the Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co., Ltd. (SFH): Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co. Ltd. (“SFH”) is a joint venture founded by the world top 500 company CNH Industrial, SAIC Group and Chongqing Machinery & Electronics Group in 2007. Covering an area of 270,000 square meters, SFH delivers the world class technology, quality and performance and it provides to its customers 3 series of main products: Cursor, NEF and F1 engines for on-road and off-road vehicles, as well as power generation applications.   SFH introduced whole product family and related advanced technology and design philosophy from FPT Industrial, the brand of CNH Industrial specialized in powertrains. SFH is rooted in China and it is devoted to build stronger power for China Industry, relying on European most advanced powertrain technology. SFH has highly automated machining and assembly lines, with superior supply chains and the most advanced international manufacturing management system and it is also the first CNHi's Chinese plant recognized for its manufacturing excellence with a Bronze Level certification by the World Class Manufacturing. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1:30 PM) Departure by shuttle bus from CICC Office to SFH Address: 重庆市北部新区云杉南路10号,重庆涉外商务区B4号23楼; Building B4, Floor 23, Foreign Business District, No.10 South Yunshan Road, North New Zone. Agenda:   2 PM) Arrival at the SFH factory, Welcome and Greetings 2:05 PM) Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co., Ltd. Company Introduction by General Manager, Mr. Federico Bullo 2:20 PM) Saic Fiat Powertrain Hongyan Co., Ltd. Plant Introduction by Deputy Director of Production Department, Mr. M.F.Peltzer 2:35 PM) Plant Visit 3:15 PM) Coffee Break 3:30 PM) Q&A session and networking 4 PM) Transfer from SFH to CCIC by SFH shuttle bus   Participation Fee: Members: 100 RMB Non-Members: 200 RMB   Limited tickets availability, priority will be given to CICC Members. Seats will be assigned on a “first come best served” basis. For reservation & info please contact us at within May 19th 2017.

Riunione dei Soci e Sistema Italia - Chengdu - 2017.03.27

27 Marzo 2017
Cari Soci, Con la presente vi invitiamo a partecipare alla riunione convocata per Lunedi' 27 Marzo 2017 ore 16.30 presso il Tianyu Bojin Club,  Huiyuan Nord Road no.99/128, Jinjiang District, Chengdu​ (成都天誉铂金会所,锦江区汇源北路99/128号). Durante l'incontro con l’obiettivo di rafforzare il coordinamento della programmazione promozionale fra le Istituzioni e la comunità Italiana residente nel Sud-Ovest Cinese si terra' una riunione di sistema, alla presenza del Console Generale Sergio Maffettone, per condividere informazioni e pianificare future iniziative di supporto alle aziende Italiane del territorio.  La riunione, coordinata dalla CCIC, avra' inizio con una sistesi delle iniziative e obiettivi raggiunti, nonche' anticipazione delle attivita' in programmazione. A seguire momento dedicato a dibattito e ad una breve introduzione da parte delle aziende,  Per ulteriori informazioni vi prego di contattarci Vi aspettiamo numerosi. CCIC Chongqing 

Riunione dei Soci e Sistema Italia - Chengdu - 2017.03.27

27 Marzo 2017
Cari Soci, Con la presente vi invitiamo a partecipare alla riunione convocata per Lunedi' 27 Marzo 2017 ore 16.30 presso il Tianyu Bojin Club,  Huiyuan Nord Road no.99/128, Jinjiang District, Chengdu​ (成都天誉铂金会所,锦江区汇源北路99/128号). Durante l'incontro con l’obiettivo di rafforzare il coordinamento della programmazione promozionale fra le Istituzioni e la comunità Italiana residente nel Sud-Ovest Cinese si terra' una riunione di sistema, alla presenza del Console Generale Sergio Maffettone, per condividere informazioni e pianificare future iniziative di supporto alle aziende Italiane del territorio.  La riunione, coordinata dalla CCIC, avra' inizio con una sistesi delle iniziative e obiettivi raggiunti, nonche' anticipazione delle attivita' in programmazione. A seguire momento dedicato a dibattito e ad una breve introduzione da parte delle aziende,  Per ulteriori informazioni vi prego di contattarci Vi aspettiamo numerosi. CCIC Chongqing 


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