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The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with Studio Legale Wang Jing & Associati is pleased to invite you to the seminar on ‘Commercial Contracts and Credit Collection, Labor Law and Employment Issues in China’ to be held in Guangzhou on September 10th 2012.
This seminar represents a good opportunity for enterprises and other professionals linked to the business community to better understand and familiarize with the existing provisions and practices, providing a deeper understanding of the Chinese legal system.
The first part of the seminar will focus on practice and regulations of commercial contracts, providing a closer look to the credit collection process in China. This will help companies to address potential delays in collecting credits and avoid any subsequent negative impact for their businesses in China.
The second part will cover the essential employment law and practice, clarifying the legislative framework and new legal developments in the Country. It will also address major issues to consider when operating in China.
Studio Legale Wang Jing & Associati
11/F., Block D, GT Land Plaza, 8 Zhu Jiang West Road, Zhu Jiang New Town, Guangzhou 510623,
联系地址: 中国广州市珠江新城珠江西路8号高德置地广场D座11楼
9:00-9:30 Registration
09:30 – 10:15 Commercial Contracts and Credit Collection
10:15 – 10:40 Coffee break
10:40 – 11:15 Labor Law and Employment Issues
11:15 – 11:35 Q&A Session
11:35 – 12:00 Private Consultation & Networking
The speakers of the event are two recognized legal experts: Mr. Franco Fornari and Mr. Lawson LU both coming from Wang Jing & Co Law Firm based in Guangzhou. For further information please refer to the text, as below:
Mr. Franco Fornari moved to China in 2008 after working as a Business Consultant in Italy for two leading Chinese companies. Throughout the years at Wang Jing & Co Law Firm Mr. Fornari achieved a solid specialization in Chinese law and handled dozen of foreign related cases in the PRC. His legal background, paired with a daily foreign oriented legal practice, made him an expert in the fields of commercial and contractual disputes and ADR, foreign investment strategies, intellectual property rights and labour disputes. He deals with foreign companies on a daily basis providing them with legal advice on China-oriented legal matters. All through these years he has become a point of reference for the Italian community in the southern provinces of China, offering his expertise and the legal practice of the Wang Jing & Co Law Firm to both corporations and individuals to better cope with the peculiar Chinese legal system. Mr. Fornari joined Wang Jing & Co Law Firm in 2009 and is working with European and international clients as a Senior Manager ever since.
Mr. Lawson LU’s main professional practice areas are Corporate Law and Labor Law. In his years of practice, he has accumulated relevant experience in a wide range of legal fields. He has extensive experience in Employment Agreement, Collective Bargaining, Labor Arbitration and Litigation, International Trade and Investment, Due Diligence, Corporate Governance, M & A, Commercial Arbitration and Litigation. He has handled a large number of material labor disputes. Mr. Lawson LU’s wide experience also includes commercial negotiations, drafting of foreign-related commercial contracts, commercial claims, international trade and investment, legal affairs related to Customs, evidence collection, commercial arbitration and litigation.
RMB 100 for CICC Members
RMB 200 for non-Members
To register send an e-mail to infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com by September 5th, 2012 before 17:00
Please note that seats are limited and assigned on a first come first served basis.
Best Regards
CICC Staff
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