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"Towards Innovative Joint Solutions for Common Urbanisation Challenges"
The EU-China Joint Workshop on Urban Innovation is co-organised by the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG RTD) and the China Centre for Urban Development (CCUD) of the National Development and Reform Commission of China (NDRC), in collaboration with the relevant Directorates-Generals of the European Commission and the Chinese government.
It will take place in Foshan, Guangdong on 30th-31st May 2013 and will bring together Chinese and European stakeholders from policy, research, and industry backgrounds working on urbanisation and innovation issues.
The main objectives of the workshop are to:
- Identify potential research themes and flagship projects for future joint research on sustainable and innovative urbanisation
- Identify obstacles in relation to the Framework Conditions relevant to Research & Innovation and initiate a dialogue on how to overcome them
- Exchange of information and best practices in on-going joint activities with China (EU, Member States & Associated Countries) in the field of R&I on urbanisation.
The output of the workshop will contribute to both the Research and Innovation Pillar of the EU-China Sustainable Urbanisation Partnership, as well as to the First EU-China Innovation Cooperation Dialogue to take place later this year.
The workshop will include field visits in Foshan on the 29th, with on the 30th and 31st plenary sessions featuring high-level speakers, and panel sessions on the following three topics:
For more details please click here.
Please click here to see the Agenda of the workshop.
To register please send an email to info@cameraitacina.com by Monday, May 6th at 5.00 pm, including the following information:
• Name • Company Name • Position • Mobile number
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