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The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China is delighted to invite you to the launch of the European Business in China Position Paper 2014/2015.
The Position Paper is the European Chamber’s most important annual publication. It compiles the latest assessments and concerns of European businesses operating in China with the aim to offer constructive recommendations to China’s policy-makers. These recommendations are made for the purpose of mutual benefit, to not only improve China’s business environment for all companies, foreign and domestic alike, but also promote China’s sustainable economic growth and boost the country`s further development. The Position Paper 2014/2015 is written bottom-up by the European Chamber’s 1,800 member companies through its working groups and forums.
The European Chamber’s President, Jörg Wuttke, will lead the launch event, present an overview of the Executive Position Paper to the media, and answer any question you have.
Insights included:
• On-the-ground insights of the European Chamber’s 28 vertical industry working groups and nine horizontal working groups;
• An overview of how European business in China perceives the reform agenda that is outlined in the Decision of the Central Committee’s Third Plenum;
• Opinions on a number of major recent developments and current issues, such as the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, the advancement of rule of law in China, the investment environment for foreign companies in China, and efforts exerted to improve China’s environment and urbanisation process, etcetera;
•Impacts of the challenges for market-based business and the significance of regulatory market access barriers.
The Position Paper 2014/2015 is the 14th edition of the European Business in China Position Paper, the information in which is based on input and analysis gathered over a twelve-month period from July 2013 to July 2014.
Sponsorship packages are available for this event. For more information, please contact:
Ms. Rachel Chen
020-3801 0467
Contact for Guangzhou Event:
Ms. Anna Rudawska
(020) 3801-0267
Contact for Shenzhen Event:
Ms. Angel Zhang
(0755) 8632 9040
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