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Importing (used) Machinery into China: Best Practice Exchange on Related Regulations & Procedures
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce is glad to invite you to the following Seminar: "Importing (used) Machinery into China: Best Practice Exchange on Related Regulations & Procedures".
Importing machinery into China involves special challenges. Don’t miss this opportunity to receive first hand advice on important points, regulations and procedures to be paid attention to when importing new and/or used machinery into China. Our speakers are experts coming from Karl Gross Logistics (Shanghai) Co. Ltd., a German medium sized freight forwarding and logistics company.
Mr. Claas Reiners, Sales & Route Manager China, Karl Gross Hamburg
Mr. Reiners is stationed at the Karl Gross office in Hamburg, Germany. He has been working for Karl Gross since 2008. Prior to taking on his current position, he worked as Sales Executive for Karl Gross in Shanghai for 3 years.
Mr. Tommy Chun, Senior Sales Executive
Karl Gross Shanghai Mr Chun worked since 2005 at Karl Gross Hamburg as Route Manager China. Since 2011 he joined Karl Gross Shanghai.
Ms. Sandra Nguyen Thanh, Sales Executive
Karl Gross Shenzhen
Ms. Nguyen Thanh has been working for Karl Gross in Shenzhen since January 2010 and is responsible for Southern China and Hong Kong.
Participation fee:
RMB 50 for Members; RMB 150 for non-Members
Address Shenzhen:
GCC Office Shenzhen
Meeting Room 203, Chinese Overseas Scholars Venture Building, High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen / Subway station: Keyuan (Exit C)
地铁站: 科苑C出口 - 深圳市南山区科技园南区留学生创业大厦2楼203室
Tel.: 0755-8635 0487
Rundown: 9:00 — 10:30 Registration from 8:30
Address Guangzhou:
Garden Hotel
3/f, Hibiscus Room, Garden Hotel
368 Huanshi Road (E), Yuexiu District, Guangzhou 510064, P.R. China
Rundown:16:00-17:30 Registration from 15:30
For the seminar in Guangzhou no more seats left
In order to register please send an e-mail to infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com within March 20th.
Best Regards
CICC Staff
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