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Optimize Productivity & ERP Template Rollouts to China
Thursday, January 17th 2013
1. Optimize productivity in manufacturing companies
On-schedule delivery, cost reduction and resource optimization are criteria that any modern production company must meet in order to participate in today`s supply chains. A Manufacturing Execution System (MES) provides the key to transparent and flexible production processes from the order to the finished product. The use of a MES (Manufacturing Execution System) in addition to an ERP system, such as SAP brings a lot benefits:
-shorter throughput times
-increased productivity
-transparency of production processes (online)
-prompt and holistic data collection
-flexibility via paperless production control
-rapid reaction to process changes
-reduction of waiting and transport times for materials
-early detection of schedule deviations
2. ERP Rollouts to China
ERP Rollouts in China can be quite challenging. We will introduce some of the lessons learned in more than 600 Chinese ERP (SAP) projects during the last 17 years. We will cover the following aspects:
-differences between SAP and local ERP software
-local legal requirements
-adopting a template to local requirements
-technical requirements
-selection of the right team members
-success factors of ERP projects in China
Mr. Eberhard Hoffmann: General Manager of Industrie Informatik in China
Mr. Jörg Heil: General Manager of Hartung: Consult in China
Target group: manufacturing companies
Address Shenzhen:
GCC Office Shenzhen
Meeting Room 203, Chinese Overseas Scholars Venture Building, High-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen / Subway station: Keyuan (Exit C)
地铁站: 科苑C出口 - 深圳市南山区科技园南区留学生创业大厦2楼203室
Tel.: 0755-8635 0487
Rundown: 15:30 — 17:30 Registration from 15:00
Address Guangzhou:
GCC Office Guangzhou
2915 Metro Plaza,183 Tian He North Road, Guangzhou
Metro Station “Lin He Xi” Exit A (5 min walk)
地铁站: 林和西A出口 (5分钟路程) - 广州市天河区天河北路183号大都会广场2915室
Tel.: 020-8755 2353
Rundown: 9:00 — 11:15 Registration from 8:30
In order to register please send an e-mail to infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com before January 16th.
Best Regards
CICC Staff
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