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China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) asks for your valued opinion about CICC services.
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Dear CICC Members and Friends,
The CICC is glad to announce the establishment of a new Working Group: the CICC Innovation Technology Working Group (ITWG).
The ITWG represents the interests of all Italian companies in China working directly or indirectly in the Innovation Technology sector. Members of this group will work on defining, updating and taking part into the Working Group Program to increase their knowledge and market share in the Chinese market.
Scope and main objectives of the CICC ITWG
Activities/Projects planning
The first meeting of the newly created working group will be held on Friday January 18th, 2019 in Shenzhen.
During the meeting Members will elect the ITWG Coordinator and Vice-Coordinators.
To attend the meeting:
Send your confirmation to infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com by Tuesday January 15th, 2019 at 18:00 (Beijing time) specifying if you will attend in person or by remote (more details about remote connection will be sent by email to the attendees later on).
The meeting will be held in Italian/English.
DATE: Friday January 18th, 2019
TIME: from 17:00 to 18:00 (Beijing time)
VENUE: Room 1502, Laoxucun Building, No 13, PINGJI DA DAO, NANWAN, Longgang, Shenzhen 518001, China - 深圳市龙岗区南湾街道平吉大道13号老圩村大厦1502
Remote connection will be provided, more details to be shared by email to the attendees later on.
Kind regards,
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