成为我们超过500个意大利及外国企业这个网络体系中的一员. 通过赞助商、合作以及在我们的官方网站上投放广告从而使您获得更高的知名度。
了解更多Dear Members, dear Customers
China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) asks for your valued opinion about CICC services.
Please fill in the questionnaire.
CICC is a membership organization focused on helping Italian companies to expand their business in one of the world’s fastest growing markets. How? By providing the tools to better understand the rapidly changing environment in which they operate.
Our mission is to enhance the economic growth of our Members by focusing on education, promotion and development of the business community.
Become a member by joining a network of over 800 companies
Among the benefits our members enjoy are:
But there is so much more. Find out all the benefits granted to CICC Ordinary Members and Supporting Members in addition to those already mentioned.
▪ You will enjoy discounted rates on CICC services
▪ You will have the opportunity to participate in events organized exclusively for our members and take part in meetings with high-level local officials and Chinese and Italian experts
▪ You will enjoy exclusive discounts thanks to special agreements between CICC and our partners: discounted prices are currently reserved for foreigners and Chinese citizens at Generali China Life Insurance Co., Ltd.
▪ You will have the opportunity to write Case Studies and hold Webinars together with the EU SME Center, a European Union initiative that provides a comprehensive range of hands-on support services to European small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), getting them ready to do business in China
▪ Your company logo will be included in our e-Newsletter among the “Members of the Month” upon subscription / renewal
In addition to all the benefits granted to Ordinary Members:
▪ Your company logo will be placed on the home page of our website and inside our e-Newsletter for the duration of the entire subscription
▪ You will enjoy an advertising service to promote events and services through our WeChat account. Please contact communication@cameraitacina.com
▪ You will be given priority in our Call for Tenders to get more visibility
You will be able to participate in three seminars for free during the membership year. Contact the CICC staff at the following e-mail addresses:
- Beijing office: bj.events@cameraitacina.com
- Chongqing office: infochongqing@cameraitacina.com
- Guangzhou office: infoguangdong@cameraitacina.com
- Shanghai office: sh.events@cameraitacina.com
- Suzhou office: infosuzhou@cameraitacina.com
Not a member yet? Send an email to:
• Beijing office
• Chongqing office
• Chengdu office
• Guangzhou office
• Shenzhen office
• Shanghai office
• Suzhou office
The CICC Team
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