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On October 27th, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) held the first session of the Mentorship Program with Gi Group Holding on Career Development for China.
The first appointment focused on Career Plans and Career Prospects for the Chinese Market.
Our Mentor Daniele Merlerati, Regional Head at Gi Group Holding, analyzed four key topics: what is a career plan, job hopping, career plan in a Chinese environment, and the importance of MBA and Ph.D.
The Mentorship was opened by Ilaria Massa, Head of HR APAC at Eni and CICC Board Member in Shanghai.
To begin with, Mr Merlerati stressed the importance of having a career plan. His advice is to have a program and regularly check the goals you are achieving. Internal and external factors can influence a career plan, but the most important thing is always to keep a dialogue with your boss and understand if you can grow in a company and in which ways.
He addressed that lately, the job-hopping phenomenon is growing among Young Professionals. Job hopping is not always bad as long as you are consistent with your plan; when changing jobs, remember to evaluate the pros and cons.
"If you have to job hop, do not improvise but do it correctly.”
Merlerati analyzed the opportunity of a career plan in a Chinese environment, considered an inclusive environment where you can change your career and grow quickly.
He then briefly illustrated the changes and outcomes that a Young Professional can face during the first years of a career as a sabbatical, maternity, etc. He advised on how to meet these changes in the best way possible.
In conclusion, he analyzed the difference between an MBA and a Ph.D. and if they really can help you to climb the ladder!
The Mentorship was an opportunity for Young Professionals to interact with a professional mentor, asking questions and tips on how to succeed in the job market.
"I was honored to be able to interact with so many talents and professionals during our mentorship! Looking forward to the next module, we will discuss human leadership.”
Don’t miss our second session on November 22nd about Leadership Development for Young Managers: Human Leadership and Organization Skills.
For more information about the Mentorship and how to participate, please email us at bj.events@cameraitacina.com.
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