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Dear Members and Friends of CICC,
On November 9th a press conference was held at the Italian Institute of Culture in Beijing to officially present to the media the First Week of the Italian Cuisine in China, from November 21st to November 27th. This important event aims at promoting the Italian cuisine and food culture abroad and was presented by the Ambassador of Italy in the P.R.C. Ettore F. Sequi, the Director of the Italian Institute of Culture Stefania Stafutti, the ICE-ITA Beijing Office Director and Coordinator ICE network in P.R.C. Amedeo Scarpa, and the Vice-President of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce Marco Gasparroni.
Ambassador Ettore F. Sequi Stefania Stafutti
Amedeo Scarpa Marco Gasparroni
The press conference focused on presenting the main events to be held during the week. For more information, you can download the full program here.
Several Chinese and Italian medias attended the press conference, thus proving the importance of the First Week of the Italian Cuisine in China. You can find a list of several articles on the press conference here below:
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) will also contribute to this activity with 3 events:
1) The 2016 Italian Gala Dinner: To be held on November 26th at the Park Hyatt Hotel in Beijing, the CICC signature event will feature the extraordinary participation of Michelin-starred Chef Carlo Cracco who will create the signature menu of the night and a tribute to Amatrice and the other Central Italy cities hit by the earthquake. Tickets are still available until November 18th.
Single Ticket (CICC member): 1300 RMB
Single Ticket (non member): 1400 RMB
Corporate Table: 15,000 RMB
To book your ticket, please send an email to bj.gala@cameraitacina.com. For more information, please check the Gala presentation here.
2) The Food Design Laboratory: To be held at the Italian Institute of Culture on November 25th, designer Stefano Giovannoni, Chef Carlo Cracco and food designer Antonello Fusetti will present the new frontiers of "functional food". For more details, please see the flyer of the event here.
3) Chef Carlo Cracco will also attend two shootings for CCTV2 and LeTV. Stay tuned to make sure you do noy miss Chef Carlo Cracco on TV!
Save-the-date! Be involved to profit from the exciting activities organized for the First Week of the Italian Cuisine in China!
Kind regards,
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