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Dear Members and Friends of CICC,
On the occasion of the first edition of the Italian Scale-Up Initiative 2017 (ISIC2017), held from September 17th to 22nd, the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce collaborated with Tech Silu and ThinkIN China, with the support of Zhongguancun Innoway, Eithad Airways, Startup Business and Caixin Globus.
Italian Scale-Up Initiative in China 2017, is a project that aims to develop concrete opportunities for vetted Italian Start Up to succeed in China. The purpose of the project is to increase cross-border and soft-landing programs and to provide a breakthrough in Sino-Italian Start Ups integration, as well as promoting broader framework of international development.
Over 50 Start Ups have been vetted by a Selection Committee, which analyzed their business model and their potential for the needs of the Chinese market. Then, the 20 scale-ups that passed the first round were screened by a Judging Panel composed by key players of the Chinese Start Up Ecosystem. Among all the candidates, the Judging Panel has firstly selected the Best 10 start ups and successively formed the basis from which the final Best 3 have been promoted for going to the final event in Beijing.
The three best Scale-ups that participated to ISIC 2017 Final Phase in Beijing are the following:
On Sunday 17th D-Orbit participated with its own stand as representative guest for the foreign Start Up Ecosystem to the governmental annual initiative, the "Mass Entrepreneurship & Innovation Week", in Zhongguancun Exhibition Centre.
On Monday 18th the CEOs of the three best scale-ups introduced their own companies at InnoPlanet in Zhongguancun Innoway, and after the pitch, they held a private meeting with the respective investors and key players in their sectors. Xnext met Maria Santonastaso, China Deputy Country Manager and International Business Development Manager at Dedalus Healthcare System Group; D-Orbit had a meeting with Mr. Riccardo Coli, Secretary General and Board Member of IAN and coordinator of AAWG (Aviation and Aerospace Working Group of CICC)
On Tuesday 19th Luca Rossettini, CEO of D-Orbit, met Spacety, one of the biggest company in the Aerospace sector in China, whereas Bruno Garavelli, CEO of Xnext, participated to Demo the World, an event organized by Zhongguancun Innoway the in the occasion of Zhongguancun Innovation & Entrepreneurship Festival. Xnext represented the Italian innovation among scale-ups from all over the world. All the candidates did their pitch in front of an audience composed by big Chinese corporations, investors, and Chinese institutions
On Wednesday 20th D- Orbit and Xnext visited Tsinghua University iCentre, the biggest space-maker of the world. Later on, D-Orbit met with Space Law Professor, Mrs. WU Xiaodan, and they discussed together about on space debris mitigation regulation in China.
On Thursday 21th, D-Orbit visited Head Space , CASIC and COMMSAT , while XNext visited the EU SME Centre. Tok.tv held a meeting with Zoe Huizheng, expert of social platfrom on sports.
The Closing Ceremony was held on September 22nd at the Italian Institute of Culture of the Embassy of Italy, in Beijing. The ceremony was opened with by the Institutional greetings by the Italian Ambassador to PRC, Ettore F. Sequi, followed by welcome remarks by the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages of Peking University, Li Shujing and by the speech of the Chairman of China Grand Prosperity Investment, Jiang Mingming, who stressed the importance of the strategic cooperation between China and Italy. The evening proceeded with the presentations of the Best 3 and the Ceremony Awards, followed by a networking phase that allowed all the guests to undertake insightful discussions.
Special thanks go to Tech Silu and ThinkIN China for the collaboration, and to Zhongguancun Innoway and the Embassy for providing a very welcoming and warm space to attend the events.
For further information about the project click on Caixin video and for an entire view about the schedule of the week, have a look to the official video .
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