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Dear Members and Friends of CICC,
On Monday March 6th the "Italian Exhibitions Releasing Conference" was held in Beijing at the Italian Institute of Culture. The event - jointly organized by Gartour and Overseas Exhibition Club, with the support of “The Imp-Exp Executives Magazine” - aimed at promoting major exhibitions in Italy and giving the attendees the chance to network with exhibition organizers and stakeholders.
After the greetings by Counsellor Giovanni Brignone and First Secretary Massimo Gaudiano from the Embassy of Italy and by CICC Chairman Sergio Bertasi, the event started with the introductions by the ICTC Coordinator Karim Al Wadi and “The Imp-Exp Executives Magazine” editor in chief Qiu Yuanbin.
Counsellor Giovanni Brignone First Secretary Massimo Gaudiano
CICC Chairman Sergio Bertasi ICTC Coordinator Karim Al Wadi
“The Imp-Exp Executives Magazine” editor in chief Qiu Yuanbin
The conference continued with four presentations by Shen Qian, Deputy General Manager of Hannover Milano Fairs; Wan Shanqing, Manger of Reed Exhibition Group; Xiao Dawei, Project Manager of INNO International Exhibition; and Xia Changhong, China General Manager of Gartour. Each presentation introduced the content, activities, and achievements of several fairs and exhibitions in Italy, going in dept in the great success and contribution these events give to the related industry and buyers. It was also the occasion to present the activities of each company and their contribution to the organization of such events.
Shen Qian Wan Shanqing
Xiao Dawei Xia Changhong
About 100 representatives from various exhibition organizer companies, media, and industry-related companies attended the event, proving the great interest and importance Italian exhibitions have.
The CICC would like to thank all the guests for their participation. A special thank goes to Assaggi Italian Restaurant, that provided the coffee corner for the event.
Kind regards,
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