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The Mechanical Engineering Working Group (MEWG) meeting was held both online and offline on September 29th, 2022.
The event was joined by almost 30 participants, who engaged in an interesting discussion concerning several topics and issues involving the Mechanical Engineering Working Group. Carlo Nizia, MEWG Coordinator and Risk Management at Sofima Automotive Filter (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., started the meeting with a presentation of the activity plan for the second half of the year 2022, including webinars, networking events, and factory tours. The most important projects consist of B2B Matchmaking with many Chinese counterparts, cooperation with Tongji University, and the constant opinions sharing activities on important topics and issues through a detailed schedule of webinars and debates. Among the other events, the China International Industry Fair (CIIF) and the Week of Italian Mechanical Engineering in China (WIMEC), scheduled from November 30th to December 4th, were given special mention due to their importance.
Collaboration with Tongji University can represent a valuable opportunity. It can offer young Chinese students the opportunity to get in touch with Italian companies that are leaders in their fields. At the same time, teachers and students could represent an important resource for our companies, providing alternative insights to existing problems.
In the second part of the meeting, the MEWG Vice Coordinators Alberto Fochesato, APAC Sales Director of Würth Industry Service (China) Co., Ltd., and Emilio Cassanelli, China VP of Industry Technology Suzhou Co., Ltd., moderated a roundtable discussion on the business sentiment in China.
4 companies delivered a speech, sharing opinions, experiences and prospects for the end of the ongoing year and the upcoming years: Valtero Canepa, General Manager at Shanghai Bracco SinePharmaceutical, Matteo Forapani, President at Mino (Tianjin) Rolling Technology Co., Ltd., Alessandro Barin, CEO at Futurasun, Roberto Saponaro, General Manager at Eutron - Vandewiele China Group.
Despite the difficulties related to the uncertain investment planning to which companies are subjected, our speakers shared a positive attitude towards the current market situation.
We thank all the panellists for their time and contributions.
Don’t miss the next factory tour scheduled for October 20th at Zoppas, Jiaxing!
More information about the agenda will be shared soon.
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