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Dear Members and Friends,
The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) took part to the online International Chamber of Commerce and Association Roundtable, organized by the People’s Government of Hebei province and hosted by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Hebei Council and China Chamber of International Commerce Hebei Chamber of Commerce on Monday May 18th, 2020.
The “International Chamber of Commerce and Association Roundtable”, which is part of the China-Langfang International Economic & Trade Fair 2020, represented the occasion for signing and releasing the international business associations’ joint response to the COVID-19 impact and on the Langfang initiative to strengthen international cooperation.
Giulia Gallarati, CICC Secretary General, pointed out that the cooperation relationship between CCPIT Hebei and CICC was enforced in 2019 but is already counting 2 very successful activities. On Jun 2019, CICC – in cooperation with EU SME Centre - brought Italian companies to visit Hebei. During the event it has been signed a Memorandum of Understanding: CCPIT Hebei Sub-council and China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, through friendly negotiations and on the basis of equality and mutual benefit, have reached common intentions on developing the cooperation between the two sides in economic and trade fields in the future. In the same year, in November, CICC welcomed companies from Hebei to visit Italy and organized B2B session in Milan.
Thanks to the activities organized together, CCPIT Hebei and CICC increasingly understand each other’s needs, bringing benefits to the economic development between Hebei and Italian companies.
Ms. Gallarati ended her speech showing her willingness to continue organizing online and offline B2B events and delegations in the future, and taking the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Italy as an opportunity to jointly promote economic and trade exchanges, and cooperation between Hebei Province and Italy.
Kind Regards,
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