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The 7th edition of the Italian Grand Gala – Panda d’Oro Award was held on June 18th 2016 at Grand Hyatt Jin Mao Tower Hotel. The most awaited event for all the Italian business community in China registered a great success: more than 500 guests attended the event and 10 companies awarded in 8 different categories.
2016 Awarded Companies:
1. “The Time-honoured Panda” Award
Winner: Magneti Marelli (China) Co., Ltd
2. “The Best Project Panda” Award
Winner: In3act
3. “The Friendship Panda” Award
Winners: Zhenjiang Economic and Technological Development Zone
Gartour di H.T.S. S.r.l.
4. “The Innovative Panda” Award
Winner: Icona Design & Engineering Co., Ltd.
5. “The Ethic Panda” Award
Winner: Ferrero China.
6. “The Educational Panda” Award
Winners: Linguaviva Educational Group
Politecnico di Milano
7. “The Best Italian SME” in China Panda Award
Winner: Loccioni (China) Commerce & Trading Co., Ltd.
8. “Panda d’Oro-Cina” Award
Winner: Giacomini Heating and Cooling Technology (Beijing) Co. Ltd.
The event, organized by the China Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), with the patronage of the Italian Embassy in China, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Italian Ministry of Economic Development and promoted in cooperation with Fondazione Italia Cina (FIC), aims to point out Italian successes in China, awarding the companies that most contributed to the development of economic relations between China and Italy.
Mr. Sergio Bertasi, Chairman of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce, opened the event with his welcome speech, followed by H. E. Ettore Francesco Sequi, Ambassador of Italy to the People's Republic of China. Among the Chinese guests: Mr. Guo Jian, Secretary General of CPC Zhenjiang New Area Working Committee and Mr. Pan Yue, Chairman of the Suzhou Foreign Affairs Institute, Mr. Zhang Hao, Vice-Director of the Pudong Trade Commission, Mr. Wang Xiaofan, Director for the Investments Selection and Promotion, Ms. Yang Yeting, Pudong International Exchange, Ms. Zhao Yuchen, Pudong International Exchange.
As the Ambassador of Italy to the People's Republic of China said:
“The Italian and Chinese business communities are again reunited in a competitive and pleasing context to celebrate some of our friends and colleagues that worked hard and met with success in order to promote the prosperity of their companies and of our Countries.” And then added: “The prizes we are going to deliver tonight are not only deserved rewards to whom will receive them, but also a demonstration that Italy is a strong, modern, laborious and dynamic Country, able to combine tradition and innovation, as no other country can. A unique Country that represents not only a cultural and artistic superpower but also an incredible hotbed of scientific talents and technological innovation"
Hosted by Connie Chen and Mattia Romeo, this year ceremony celebrated also the 25th anniversary of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce. To commemorate the special occasion, CICC realized a video summarizing the main activities organized to support and promote Italian companies in China.
Link Video 25th Anniversary CICC
The evening was an authentic Italian food and wine experience. CICC paid a tribute to Italy showing several promotional videos about Italian excellencies in food, technology, art and cinema and presenting the project “Ospitalità Italiana”, awarding the authentic Italian restaurants in China. The guests enjoyed also a fascinating dance show and the captivating music performance of Manuela Mameli and her band.
At the end of the event there was a fancy lucky draw with amazing prizes sponsored by MSC, Gucci, Francesca Furzi Jewelry, Armani Hotel Milano, Salce-Cafiero, Zhenjiang Economic and Technological Development Zone and many other sponsors listed below. Additionally, each guest got a trendy goodie bag designed and produced by CICC staff and filled with Italian products and gadgets sponsored by many different companies.
We would like to thank once again all the sponsors that contributed to make this event successful:
Supporting sponsor: Zhenjiang Economic and Technological Development Zone
Gold sponsors: Ferrero, In3Act
Silver sponsors: Ceramica d’Imola, EPTA INKS, FESCO Adecco, I-Tally, Icona Design & Engineering, Interglobo, Magneti Marelli, Politecnico di Milano, Sofima
F&B sponsors: Gamos Group, Fabbri, 100ITA, Gruppo Italiano Vini, Sinodrink, Ferrero, Il Botolo, Illy, Lucano-3 LAB
Technical sponsors: Hylink, Triumph Asia
Media Partners: Sole24Ore (Rita Fatiguso, Corrispondente Sole24Ore, Membro della Giuria del Premio Panda d’Oro), Shanghai Daily
Lucky Draw sponsors: MSC Crociere, Armani Hotel Milano, Francesca Furzi, Gucci, Salce-Cafiero, Zhenjiang Economic and Technological Development Zone
100ITA, Alce Nero, Baglioni Hotels, Bella Napoli, Calypso, Carpisa , CitySuper, Della Mela, DTL, Early Monalisa Exhibition, Fabbri, Ferrarelle Gruppo Italiano Vini, Hyatt on the Bund, Kempinski, Lamborghini, Linguaviva, Luigi Bormioli, Pirelli , Sinodrink, Staufen, Stay with nature
Goodie Bags sponsors: Alce Nero, DTL, Eni, Fabbri, Ferrero, Gamos Group, Italian Style, Mylk, Sofima
Special Thanks to: Grand Hyatt Hotel
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