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Dear Members and Friends of CICC,
The event “Travel Italy Stay Healthy” – organized by the Embassy of Italy to the People’s Republic of China and Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai and co-organized by Italian Trade Agency Shanghai and by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) – was successfully held on May 16th 2019, at the Seminar Hall 5.1 – CMEF China International Medical Equipment Fair, Shanghai.
The event aimed at promoting the quality of the Italian health system and encouraging the creation of opportunities for collaboration between Italian and Chinese health facilities within the management of medical tourism projects.
It represents an opportunity for Italian health facilities to promote their offer and to meet the most active players in the Chinese health tourism market in order to enter into agreements, create connections and develop international relations networks.
Italian and Chinese Institutions opened the event with speeches given by Ms. Giusi Condorelli, Embassy of Italy to the People’s Republic of China’s Health Counsellor and Italian Ministry of Health Representative, Mr. Roberto Pagani, Consulate General of Shanghai’s Science and Technology Counsellor, Mr. Lu Ming, National Health Commission’s Director for American and European Affairs – Dept. International Cooperation, Ms. Micaela Soldini, Italian Trade Agency Shanghai’s Deputy Trade Commissioner and Mr. Angelo Morano, CICC’s Board Director.
Ms. Maria Santonastaso, CICC’s Coordinator of Health Working Group took the floor to talk about “Italian Best Practice in Healthcare” by focusing on the CICC Healthcare Working Group opportunity to contribute to China’s New Era with joint initiatives on healthcare innovative models, but also through new policies and comprehensive systems. Integrated care centered on the patient is their key to success, as the whole system is built with the patient and his needs.
The following speaker, Prof. Cheng Yunzhang, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology’s Deputy Dean Medical Instrument and Food Engineering made an outlook on “China-Italy Medical Training Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative”.
Later, Dr. Cristian Ferraris, Assolombarda – Italy’s Director of Organization, Development and Associative Relations, presented the internationalization experience of the Working Table of “Confindustria Lombardia Health & Services”.
At this point, Dr. Li Jiyu, Shanghai Tenth People’s Hospital’s Deputy Director gave a speech on “Medical reform practice and experience of large tertiary public hospitals”.
The event continued with the launch of the video and brochure “Travel Italy Stay Healthy” and the presentations of Italian Hospitals, namely Gruppo San Donato – Milan, Giomi – Rome, Istituto Giannina Gaslini – Genoa and Fondazione Mondino – Pavia.
The event was concluded with a networking buffet and a B2B of Italian and Chinese Partners.
The CICC would like to thank all the guests for contributing to the success of the seminar.
Kind regards,
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