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Reminder: Elective General Assembly on April 19th 2018.
Handbook for Elective General Assembly
Handbook for E-Vote
Dear Members,
Referring to the Elective General Assembly, please find the Handbook for Elective General Assembly here below.
Handbook for Elective General Assembly on April 19th, 2018
1 - When and Where
The Elective General Assembly will take place on April 19th, 2018, 9:00 am at Kerry Hotel, No 1 Guanghua Road, Beijing, 100020, 中国北京朝阳区光华路1号邮政编码 100020.
Registration starts at 8:30, ballot procedures should take 2-3 hours.
2 - What we are voting for?
The members of the Chamber will vote to elect one (1) Chairman of the Chamber, three (3) Vice-Chairmen (one (1) for Beijing, one (1) for Shanghai and one (1) for Guangzhou), one (1) Treasurer, eight (8) Board Members and two (2) Probiviri.
3 - Who can run for…?
a) Chairman
Any designated representative of a corporate supporting member or any Italian individual supporting member residing in China and working for an Italian or a non-Chinese company registered in China, is eligible to nominate themselves for election to the position of Chairman. Please note that the Chairman is the legal representative of the Chamber and will have all legal responsibilities connected with such position. Also, while any of the eligible members (see point 4 below - How can I run for elections?) may stand for election, the position will require frequent presence in Beijing to attend the institutional and administrative duties of the Chamber.
b) Vice-Chairman
Any designated representative of a corporate supporting member or any Italian individual supporting member working for an Italian or a non-Chinese company registered in China, who resides in the province he/she is elected for, is eligible to nominate themselves for election to the position of Vice-Chairman. Please note that the position will require frequent presence in the province he/she is elected for (Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou) to attend the institutional and administrative duties of the Chamber.
c) Treasurer
Any designated representative of a corporate supporting member or any Italian individual supporting member residing in China and working for an Italian or a non-Chinese company registered in China, having financial background (minimum experience required: 5 years as CEO, CFO, Director or any equivalent working position, fiscal expert, Certified Public Accountant, auditor in any country) is eligible to nominate themselves for election to the position of Treasurer. Please note that the position will require frequent presence in Beijing to attend the institutional and administrative duties of the Chamber.
d) Board Member
Any designated representative of a corporate supporting member or any Italian individual supporting member working for an Italian or a non-Chinese company registered in China, who resides in the province he/she is elected for (Beijing, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Suzhou), is eligible to nominate themselves for election to the position of Board Member.
e) Probiviro
Any Former Chairman, Former Vice-Chairman, Former Treasurer, Former Board Member who held office for at least 4 years and after their mandate were constantly Members of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce and had permanent residence in China is eligible to nominate themselves for election to the position of Probiviro.
Note: Please note that the Chamber does not reimburse any travel/lodging expenses of any of the Board Members or Probiviri.
4 - How can I run for Election?
Candidates may put forward their names for election until 12 am of Wednesday April 4th, 2018. Please remember that a candidate may run for only one position (candidatures to more than one position will be rejected for all positions).
To present the candidature you will need to fill in the Candidature Form and send it here together with a short bio/manifesto by 12 am of Wednesday April 4th, 2018.
5 - Who can vote for Election?
1. Designated representatives from a corporate member (ref. members' category (a) of the CICC Article of Association) based in China. Please note that designated representatives of corporate members who are not Italian are eligible to vote;
2. Italian individual members residing in China and working for an Italian or a non-Chinese company registered in China (ref. members’ category (b) of the CICC Article of Association).
6 - Who can attend the Elective General Assembly?
All members have the right to attend and take part at the proceedings of the Elective General Assembly.
In order to properly organize the venue and refreshments, if you plan to attend please register here by 6:00 pm of April 18th. However please note that prior registration is not a condition to attend the Elective General Assembly: we encourage all members to take part and vote but please register in advance so that we can serve you better.
7 - How can I vote?
Each member eligible to vote may vote to elect one (1) Chairman of the Chamber, three (3) Vice-Chairmen, (one (1) for Beijing, one (1) for Shanghai and one (1) for Guangzhou), one (1) Treasurer, eight (8) Board Members and two (2) Probiviri.
There are three ways to vote:
1) In person by secret ballot at the General Assembly on April 19th, 2018.
2) Throughout e-Vote using e-ballot trusted platform, from 9:00 am of April 12th to 6:00 pm of April 18th, 2018. To be able to vote, you should use the link we sent you to your email address you registered with on the CICC platform. Please be aware that you will receive the invitation for the e-Vote just if you completed the CICC membership procedure (both payment and CICC platform registration) for 2018 before April 17th, 6:00 pm. More information here (join the Chamber).
3) Assigning a proxy - use the official proxy form to delegate someone to vote on your behalf. Please fill in the official proxy form and send a scanned copy here before April 18th 6:00 pm. Please hand out the official proxy form the day of the Elective General Assembly during the registration, there you will receive one voting card.
Note: Each Member may not receive more than three (3) proxies. No proxy is available for e-Vote. No sub-proxy is allowed. Proxies received after the deadline or in a format different from the official proxy form will not be accepted.
8 - Further Questions
Please refer to the news with Elections General Rules on CICC website here and to the Articles of Association of the Chamber here.
The Secretary General is the receiving officer for the election. All election related communication should be addressed to the elezioni2018@cameraitacina.com.
* * *
Click here to download the Handbook for Elective General Assembly.
Click here to download the Handbook for the E-Vote.
Kind regards,
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