

31 Marzo 2022
尊敬的中国意大利商会的会员们和朋友们: 如前所述,中国意大利商会会员大会暨选举大会将于 2022 年 03 月 31 日15:00 - 17:10(北京时间)召开,本次大会仅通过 Zoom云会议平台举行。请注意只有完成强制性注册后的商会会员才能参加选举。   会议议程 第一部分:会员大会  15:00 - 15:10  致欢迎辞——意大利驻华大使兼中国意大利商会名誉会长方澜意(Luca Ferrari)  15:10 - 15:25  会长报告——中国意大利商会会长保罗·巴颂尼(Paolo Bazzoni) 15:25 - 15:40  2020-2021年财务报告;2021年度资产负债表和 2022 年预算介绍——中国意大利商会财务主管罗仁舟(Lorenzo Riccardi) 15:40 - 15:55  2021年度资产负债表投票结果;2020-2021年活动报告及2022年活动计划介绍——中国意大利商会秘书长易思乐(Renzo Isler) 15:55 - 16:15 2020-2021区域活动报告:北京(Matteo Tanteri), 上海(Valtero Canepa), 苏州(Giacomo Bove), 广州(Massimiliano Guelfo), 重庆(Gianluca Luisi) 16:15 - 16:25 问答环节 第二部分:选举大会  16:25 - 16:35 通告投票结果及2022-24两年期中国意大利商会董事会名单——中国意大利商会秘书长易思乐(Renzo Isler) 16:35 - 17:05 2022-24两年期新任会长演讲和新任监事及董事会成员进行简短致辞 17:05 - 17:10 总结 主持人:中国意大利商会秘书长易思乐(Renzo Isler)   注册  请扫描以下二维码注册:  * 参与将仅在线上进行,并且仅对强制性注册后的商会会员开放。一旦注册获得批准,参与者们将收到大会的 Zoom参会链接。   活动详情  日期和时间:2022 年03 月 31 日15:00 – 17:10  方式:Zoom云会议平台  语言:意大利语   2022-24 年董事会选举和 2021年度资产负债表的批准  在现任中国意大利商会董事会2020-22 两年期的任期即将届满时,选举大会将对2022-24 两年期间董事会成员的更替进行投票决议。 根据我们章程的第4条,属于有投票权类别的会员也被要求对2021年度资产负债表的批准进行投票。 两次投票的结果将在 2022 年 03 月 31 日的会员大会上公布。 请注意受当前疫情影响,会员大会和选举大会在特殊情况下将仅在线上举行。 出于同样的原因,对于 2022-24 两年期董事会成员的更新和 2021 度资产负债表的批准,这两次投票都将于 2022 年 03 月 23 日 09:00 至 2022 年 03 月 30 日 18:00 期间仅通过 Election Runner 在线投票平台以线上方式举行。 对于每一次投票,有投票权的会员将收到一封由中国意大利商会作为发件人的电子邮件,并通过 Election Runner 平台发送。会员们将在电子邮件中收到一个链接,通过该链接可以登入平台进行投票。   如有任何疑问或需澄清的事项,请联系。   顺颂商祺! 中国意大利商会团队

Registrazione Assemblea Generale ed Elettiva, 31 Marzo 2022, Online

31 Marzo 2022
Cari Soci e Amici della CCIC, Come precedentemente annunciato, vengono convocate per il giorno 31 marzo 2022 l’Assemblea Generale e l’Assemblea Elettiva della CCIC, le quali si svolgeranno esclusivamente online via Zoom dalle 15:00 alle 17:10 (ora cinese). Si prega di notare che la partecipazione è aperta alla sola base associativa della CCIC previa registrazione obbligatoria. AGENDA Parte I: Assemblea Generale 15:00 - 15:10  Saluto di benvenuto – S.E. Luca Ferrari, Ambasciatore d’Italia nella R.P.C. e Presidente Onorario della Camera di Commercio Italiana in Cina 15:10 - 15:25  Relazione del Presidente – Paolo Bazzoni, Presidente CCIC 15:25 - 15:40  Relazione finanziaria 2020-2021; Presentazione Bilancio Consuntivo 2021 e Preventivo 2022 – Lorenzo Riccardi, Tesoriere CCIC 15:40 - 15:55  Risultato Votazione Bilancio Consuntivo 2021; Relazione Attività 2020-2021 e Presentazione Programma Attività 2022 – Renzo Isler, Segretario Generale CCIC 15:55 - 16:15 Relazione Attività 2020-2021 nei territori di Beijing (Matteo Tanteri), Shanghai (Valtero Canepa), Suzhou (Giacomo Bove), Guangzhou (Massimiliano Guelfo), Chongqing (Gianluca Luisi) 16:15 - 16:25  Q&A Parte II: Assemblea Elettiva 16:25 - 16:35  Comunicazione dei risultati della votazione e proclamazione cariche sociali CCIC Biennio 2022-24 – Renzo Isler, Segretario Generale CCIC 16:35 - 17:05  Discorso del Presidente neo-eletto e breve saluto dei Membri del Consiglio Direttivo e dei Probiviri neo-eletti per il biennio 2022-24 17:05 - 17:10 Conclusione Moderatore: Renzo Isler, Segretario Generale CCIC   REGISTRAZIONE Per registrarsi, si prega di scannerizzare il seguente QR Code: *La partecipazione sarà esclusivamente online ed è aperta alla sola base associativa della CCIC previa registrazione obbligatoria. Il link Zoom tramite cui seguire l’Assemblea sarà condiviso con i partecipanti non appena la loro registrazione sarà approvata.   Dettagli dell’evento Data e orario: 31 marzo 2022, 15:00 – 17:10 Modalità: Online via Zoom Lingua: Italiano   Elezione Consiglio Direttivo 2022-24 e approvazione bilancio consuntivo 2021 In prossimità della scadenza del mandato assunto dall’attuale Consiglio Direttivo della CCIC per il biennio 2020-22, l’Assemblea Elettiva viene chiamata a votare per il rinnovo delle cariche sociali per il biennio 2022-24. I Soci appartenenti alle categorie aventi diritto di voto in base all’art. 4 del nostro Statuto saranno inoltre chiamati a esprimere il proprio voto per l’approvazione del bilancio consuntivo 2021. L’esito di entrambe le votazioni sarà annunciato in sede di Assemblea il 31 marzo 2022. Si prega di notare che, a causa dell’attuale situazione epidemica, l’Assemblea Generale e quella Elettiva si svolgeranno eccezionalmente ed esclusivamente online. Per lo stesso motivo, entrambe le votazioni, sia quella per il rinnovo delle cariche sociali per il biennio 2022-24 che quella per l’approvazione del bilancio consuntivo 2021, si terranno esclusivamente per via elettronica mediante la piattaforma di voto online Election Runner tra le 09:00 del 23 marzo 2022 e le 18:00 del 30 marzo 2022. La lista dei candidati alle cariche sociali per il biennio 2022-24 sarà resa pubblica venerdì 18 marzo 2022. Per ciascuna votazione, i Soci aventi diritto di voto riceveranno una email con mittente China-Italy Chamber of Commerce e inviata attraverso Election Runner. All’interno dell’email troveranno un link mediante cui poter raggiungere la piattaforma ed esprimere il proprio voto. Per qualsiasi dubbio o chiarimento, si prega di contattare   Cordiali saluti, Il Segretario Generale

CICC Members’ Meeting Beijing & North China, March 9th 2022, Online

09 Marzo 2022
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) kindly invites you to attend the Members' Meeting Beijing & North China on March 9th 2022 from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. The meeting will be held exclusively online via Zoom. The event is organized as an opportunity for Members to gather and learn about CICC's recent and future activities. This will also represent the occasion for getting insights on CICC Working Groups’ (WG) activities and opportunities for involvement.  Agenda:  17:00-17:05 Opening Remarks – Matteo Tanteri, CICC Vice Chairman Beijing 17:05-17:15 Welcome Greetings – Marco Midolo, First Counsellor, Head of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Italy to the People’s Republic of China 17:15-17:25 Paolo Bazzoni, CICC Chairman 17:25-17:50 CICC Activities: Recent and Future Initiatives  - Renzo Isler, CICC Secretary General - Sarah Orlando, CICC Board Member Beijing - Fabio Antonello, CICC Representative in Tianjin - Lorenzo Riccardi, CICC Treasurer – CICC Mapping Project 17:50-18:10 Updates from CICC Working Groups:  - Teti Maria Licursi, EEPWG Vice Coordinator - Carlo Geremia, IPWG Coordinator - Maria Santonastaso, HCWG Coordinator - Simone Sturla, STWG Coordinator 18:10-18:25 Q&A 18:25-18:30 Closing Remarks – Paolo Bazzoni, CICC Chairman Host: Sarah Orlando, CICC Board Member Beijing   We kindly ask you to register at the Members' Meeting within March 9th 2022 by 2pm.    Interested in joining? Scan the QR code to sign up!   Event Details Time & date: March 9th 2022, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm Venue: Online via Zoom Language: English Please not that the Members' Meeting is only open to CICC Members and Friends. The event is free of charge.    For more details, contact us at:   The CICC Team

CICC Members’ Meeting Beijing & North China, March 9th 2022, Online

09 Marzo 2022
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) kindly invites you to attend the Members' Meeting Beijing & North China on March 9th 2022 from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. The meeting will be held exclusively online via Zoom. The event is organized as an opportunity for Members to gather and learn about CICC's recent and future activities. This will also represent the occasion for getting insights on CICC Working Groups’ (WG) activities and opportunities for involvement.  Agenda:  17:00-17:05 Opening Remarks – Matteo Tanteri, CICC Vice Chairman Beijing 17:05-17:15 Welcome Greetings – Marco Midolo, First Counsellor, Head of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Italy to the People’s Republic of China 17:15-17:25 Paolo Bazzoni, CICC Chairman 17:25-17:50 CICC Activities: Recent and Future Initiatives  - Renzo Isler, CICC Secretary General - Sarah Orlando, CICC Board Member Beijing - Fabio Antonello, CICC Representative in Tianjin - Lorenzo Riccardi, CICC Treasurer – CICC Mapping Project 17:50-18:10 Updates from CICC Working Groups:  - Teti Maria Licursi, EEPWG Vice Coordinator - Carlo Geremia, IPWG Coordinator - Maria Santonastaso, HCWG Coordinator - Simone Sturla, STWG Coordinator 18:10-18:25 Q&A 18:25-18:30 Closing Remarks – Paolo Bazzoni, CICC Chairman Host: Sarah Orlando, CICC Board Member Beijing   We kindly ask you to register at the Members' Meeting within March 9th 2022 by 2pm.    Interested in joining? Scan the QR code to sign up!   Event Details Time & date: March 9th 2022, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm Venue: Online via Zoom Language: English Please not that the Members' Meeting is only open to CICC Members and Friends. The event is free of charge.    For more details, contact us at:   The CICC Team

CICC Members’ Meeting Beijing & North China, March 9th 2022, Online

09 Marzo 2022
Dear Members and Friends, The China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC) kindly invites you to attend the Members' Meeting Beijing & North China on March 9th 2022 from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. The meeting will be held exclusively online via Zoom. The event is organized as an opportunity for Members to gather and learn about CICC's recent and future activities. This will also represent the occasion for getting insights on CICC Working Groups’ (WG) activities and opportunities for involvement.  Agenda:  17:00-17:05 Opening Remarks – Matteo Tanteri, CICC Vice Chairman Beijing 17:05-17:15 Welcome Greetings – Marco Midolo, First Counsellor, Head of the Economic and Commercial Office of the Embassy of Italy to the People’s Republic of China 17:15-17:25 Paolo Bazzoni, CICC Chairman 17:25-17:50 CICC Activities: Recent and Future Initiatives  - Renzo Isler, CICC Secretary General - Sarah Orlando, CICC Board Member Beijing - Fabio Antonello, CICC Representative in Tianjin - Lorenzo Riccardi, CICC Treasurer – CICC Mapping Project 17:50-18:10 Updates from CICC Working Groups:  - Teti Maria Licursi, EEPWG Vice Coordinator - Carlo Geremia, IPWG Coordinator - Maria Santonastaso, HCWG Coordinator - Simone Sturla, STWG Coordinator 18:10-18:25 Q&A 18:25-18:30 Closing Remarks – Paolo Bazzoni, CICC Chairman Host: Sarah Orlando, CICC Board Member Beijing   We kindly ask you to register at the Members' Meeting within March 9th 2022 by 2pm.    Interested in joining? Scan the QR code to sign up!   Event Details Time & date: March 9th 2022, from 5:00 to 6:30 pm Venue: Online via Zoom Language: English Please not that the Members' Meeting is only open to CICC Members and Friends. The event is free of charge.    For more details, contact us at:   The CICC Team

Young Professional Talks #2 Career Development in Fashion Business and Design Management

09 Febbraio 2022
Initiated by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), the project "Young Professional Talks” is a series of seminars aimed at young professionals and students interested in launching and developing a career in China. The “China-Italy Young Professional Network (中Y意)“ is a group of members are like-minded individuals with a strong interest in cultivating professional and personal development and growing their careers in China. Looking to make your first career win but don’t know what’s the right process or where to start? Want to learn what is the creativity process behind the scene? At this workshop, attendees will meet the industry experts from the companies they are hoping to work for and get a glimpse into their respective journeys navigating and pursuing careers in the world of Fashion Business and Design Management.The agenda will cover following topics: Fashion Business and the Career in Fashion Industry Fashion Business in China Career Path in Fashion Skills Required and Competition In Fashion Management Careers Opportunities Post Covid-19 Career Development in Fashion Design Management Behind & beyond the scene The contemporary fashion system Art & fashion management The matcher: crossover director The storyteller: narrative and engaging contents for business Speaker- Mr. Niklas Olsson, who develops the Zegna organisation across Asia Pacific, nurturing leaders and their leadership, accelerate and unleash the potential of talents, whilst also managing Learning & Development, Employee Engagement and Change Management across the region. Niklas brings extensive experience in the Learning & Development & Organizational Development field with over 20 years of accelerating effectiveness and performance in organizations, leaders and talents. Prior to his current position, Niklas has been working for the past 15 years in various regional roles in Asia Pacific leading Organization, Leader and Talent Development in companies such as Nike & AstraZeneca & Johnson Controls. Speaker- Ms. Yingting Cheng, the Chief Operating Officer Mainland China of Istituto Marangoni. She enhances the talent management and establishes a strong link between education and industry. She was the programme leader of the Fashion Business Department at Istituto Marangoni Paris before coming back to China in 2019. She teaches Principles of Business and Luxury Management to more than 200 graduate and undergraduate students from over 30 nationalities. As a senior consultant in fashion marketing and business development, involved in leading projects with Ferragamo, Celine, Rimowa, Vestiaire Collective among others Moderator- Mr. Francesco Fioretto, the Director of Education of Istituto Marangoni, who has been art and creative director for fashion and luxury brands in Paris, redesigning their identity and extending their communication strategies to digital spaces. Francesco joined Istituto Marangoni Paris in 2014 as Graphic Design and Art Direction Tutor first, and Programme Leader of Fashion Styling & Creative Direction then. In 2020 he was appointed Director of Education of Istituto Marangoni Shanghai and relocated to China. Time date: 14:30 Friday 25 February Language: English Method: Hybrid, online offline Online: Zoom link will be sent to your registered Email address Offline: CICC Shanghai Office (Room 202, Weihai Road 777, Jing'an District) Ticket price: CICC member – free; Nonmember RMB 80   Agenda 14:15 – 14:30 Registration 14:30 – 14:39 Welcome Speech 14:35- 15:15 Fashion Business and the Career in Fashion Industry 14:15- 16:00 Career Development in Fashion Design Management 16:00 – 16:20 Q&A   To register, please click here.      

Young Professional Talks #2 Career Development in Fashion Business and Design Management

09 Febbraio 2022
Initiated by the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), the project "Young Professional Talks” is a series of seminars aimed at young professionals and students interested in launching and developing a career in China. The “China-Italy Young Professional Network (中Y意)“ is a group of members are like-minded individuals with a strong interest in cultivating professional and personal development and growing their careers in China. Looking to make your first career win but don’t know what’s the right process or where to start? Want to learn what is the creativity process behind the scene? At this workshop, attendees will meet the industry experts from the companies they are hoping to work for and get a glimpse into their respective journeys navigating and pursuing careers in the world of Fashion Business and Design Management.The agenda will cover following topics: Fashion Business and the Career in Fashion Industry Fashion Business in China Career Path in Fashion Skills Required and Competition In Fashion Management Careers Opportunities Post Covid-19 Career Development in Fashion Design Management Behind & beyond the scene The contemporary fashion system Art & fashion management The matcher: crossover director The storyteller: narrative and engaging contents for business Speaker- Mr. Niklas Olsson, who develops the Zegna organisation across Asia Pacific, nurturing leaders and their leadership, accelerate and unleash the potential of talents, whilst also managing Learning & Development, Employee Engagement and Change Management across the region. Niklas brings extensive experience in the Learning & Development & Organizational Development field with over 20 years of accelerating effectiveness and performance in organizations, leaders and talents. Prior to his current position, Niklas has been working for the past 15 years in various regional roles in Asia Pacific leading Organization, Leader and Talent Development in companies such as Nike & AstraZeneca & Johnson Controls. Speaker- Ms. Yingting Cheng, the Chief Operating Officer Mainland China of Istituto Marangoni. She enhances the talent management and establishes a strong link between education and industry. She was the programme leader of the Fashion Business Department at Istituto Marangoni Paris before coming back to China in 2019. She teaches Principles of Business and Luxury Management to more than 200 graduate and undergraduate students from over 30 nationalities. As a senior consultant in fashion marketing and business development, involved in leading projects with Ferragamo, Celine, Rimowa, Vestiaire Collective among others Moderator- Mr. Francesco Fioretto, the Director of Education of Istituto Marangoni, who has been art and creative director for fashion and luxury brands in Paris, redesigning their identity and extending their communication strategies to digital spaces. Francesco joined Istituto Marangoni Paris in 2014 as Graphic Design and Art Direction Tutor first, and Programme Leader of Fashion Styling & Creative Direction then. In 2020 he was appointed Director of Education of Istituto Marangoni Shanghai and relocated to China. Time date: 14:30 Friday 25 February Language: English Method: Hybrid, online offline Online: Zoom link will be sent to your registered Email address Offline: CICC Shanghai Office (Room 202, Weihai Road 777, Jing'an District) Ticket price: CICC member – free; Nonmember RMB 80   Agenda 14:15 – 14:30 Registration 14:30 – 14:39 Welcome Speech 14:35- 15:15 Fashion Business and the Career in Fashion Industry 14:15- 16:00 Career Development in Fashion Design Management 16:00 – 16:20 Q&A   To register, please click here.      

Webinar | The Future of China’s Luxury Consumer, January 26th

26 Gennaio 2022
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao and the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), supported by their Retail & Luxury Committee and Quality Council, are pleased to invite you to the webinar “Emerging from the Pandemic - The Future of China’s Luxury Consumer”.     Our speakers Ms Veronica Wang and Mr Pascal Martin, partners at OC&C Strategy Consultants, will help us examine the Chinese luxury consumer trends that emerged in the two-year Covid-19 pandemic. The webinar will discuss:  • Latest China market evolution and short to mid-term outlook • Major underlying fashion and luxury consumer trends among Chinese consumers, covering (among other topics): - Demographic shifts - Gen Z in the driver’s seat - Digital and omnichannel - A constantly evolving landscape and brands’ never-ending quest for consumer engagement - The Lower-tier city opportunity - What has changed - Converging sports and luxury - Lasting fad or long-term groundwave? - Nationalism and the Do’s and Don’ts of “Chinese for Chinese” design - Sustainability - How much do they care? Are they ready to pay for it? • What these trends mean for fashion and luxury brands, and how best-in-class brands tackle these trends Veronica and Pascal will draw their observations from their experiences leading multiple projects in the luxury sector and from the findings of an extensive research survey recently conducted in China. They presented these survey findings and market insights to Altagamma members in Italy at the end of 2021, receiving very positive feedback. Don't miss this webinar to gain valuable insight into Chinese luxury consumer trends! Interested in joining? Reserve your place. *Please note participation is free of charge; the webinar is for ICC and CICC members ONLY.   About OC&C Strategy Consultants OC&C Strategy Consultants is a global consulting firm focusing on strategy development, with a focus on consumer goods, retails, media & technology and B2B services.   About the speakers Ms Veronica Wang, Partner at OC&C Greater China Veronica has worked in strategy consulting for more than 12 years, specializing in consumer goods and retail sections, with a particular focus on luxury, fashion and beauty. Based in Greater China throughout her career, Veronica has developed deep knowledge and insights about the China market and Chinese consumers, advising a broad range of clients on their China/Asia market entry and growth strategies, including value proposition, assortment, pricing, distribution and marketing, etc. Veronica also regularly leads market and consumer studies in China, publishing a series of reports including recent ones on Gen-Z Consumers, Post-Covid Market Trends, Luxury E-commerce, 2nd hand Luxury Market, etc. She holds a Master’s degree in Economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the US and a Bachelor’s degree in International Finance from Fudan University in China.   Mr Pascal Martin, Partner at OC&C Greater China Pascal started his consulting career with McKinsey in Los Angeles and Paris (1987-1993), then Booz Allen in Japan (1997-2003) and OC&C in Hong Kong since 2015, totalling 17 years in the consulting sector. He also held several senior management positions between consulting roles: CEO of Adidas Japan, Regional Director of M&S APAC, VP Strategy at Burberry APAC, CCO at Avon Japan (an interim role for a PE portfolio company) and CEO at Nissan Motors. Based in Greater China over the past 12 years, after 13 years in Japan, Pascal is an Asia expert. He has been advising a broad range of clients - global groups, industry disruptors and PE investors - on strategy, operational improvement and transformation management in Luxury, Fashion and Sports Apparel, Footwear, Cosmetics, Wine & Spirits and Automotive industries. Pascal’s consulting experience includes all aspects of market entry and growth strategies, including product, pricing, channel & route-to-market and digital & omnichannel, always rooted in a thorough understanding of consumer behaviour and trends. He holds an MBA from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, as well as a Master’s degree in Economics from Sorbonne University and a civil engineering degree from Paris Ecole Speciale des Travaux Public.   The CICC Team

Webinar | The Future of China’s Luxury Consumer, January 26th

26 Gennaio 2022
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao and the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), supported by their Retail & Luxury Committee and Quality Council, are pleased to invite you to the webinar “Emerging from the Pandemic - The Future of China’s Luxury Consumer”.     Our speakers Ms Veronica Wang and Mr Pascal Martin, partners at OC&C Strategy Consultants, will help us examine the Chinese luxury consumer trends that emerged in the two-year Covid-19 pandemic. The webinar will discuss:  • Latest China market evolution and short to mid-term outlook • Major underlying fashion and luxury consumer trends among Chinese consumers, covering (among other topics): - Demographic shifts - Gen Z in the driver’s seat - Digital and omnichannel - A constantly evolving landscape and brands’ never-ending quest for consumer engagement - The Lower-tier city opportunity - What has changed - Converging sports and luxury - Lasting fad or long-term groundwave? - Nationalism and the Do’s and Don’ts of “Chinese for Chinese” design - Sustainability - How much do they care? Are they ready to pay for it? • What these trends mean for fashion and luxury brands, and how best-in-class brands tackle these trends Veronica and Pascal will draw their observations from their experiences leading multiple projects in the luxury sector and from the findings of an extensive research survey recently conducted in China. They presented these survey findings and market insights to Altagamma members in Italy at the end of 2021, receiving very positive feedback. Don't miss this webinar to gain valuable insight into Chinese luxury consumer trends! Interested in joining? Reserve your place. *Please note participation is free of charge; the webinar is for ICC and CICC members ONLY.   About OC&C Strategy Consultants OC&C Strategy Consultants is a global consulting firm focusing on strategy development, with a focus on consumer goods, retails, media & technology and B2B services.   About the speakers Ms Veronica Wang, Partner at OC&C Greater China Veronica has worked in strategy consulting for more than 12 years, specializing in consumer goods and retail sections, with a particular focus on luxury, fashion and beauty. Based in Greater China throughout her career, Veronica has developed deep knowledge and insights about the China market and Chinese consumers, advising a broad range of clients on their China/Asia market entry and growth strategies, including value proposition, assortment, pricing, distribution and marketing, etc. Veronica also regularly leads market and consumer studies in China, publishing a series of reports including recent ones on Gen-Z Consumers, Post-Covid Market Trends, Luxury E-commerce, 2nd hand Luxury Market, etc. She holds a Master’s degree in Economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the US and a Bachelor’s degree in International Finance from Fudan University in China.   Mr Pascal Martin, Partner at OC&C Greater China Pascal started his consulting career with McKinsey in Los Angeles and Paris (1987-1993), then Booz Allen in Japan (1997-2003) and OC&C in Hong Kong since 2015, totalling 17 years in the consulting sector. He also held several senior management positions between consulting roles: CEO of Adidas Japan, Regional Director of M&S APAC, VP Strategy at Burberry APAC, CCO at Avon Japan (an interim role for a PE portfolio company) and CEO at Nissan Motors. Based in Greater China over the past 12 years, after 13 years in Japan, Pascal is an Asia expert. He has been advising a broad range of clients - global groups, industry disruptors and PE investors - on strategy, operational improvement and transformation management in Luxury, Fashion and Sports Apparel, Footwear, Cosmetics, Wine & Spirits and Automotive industries. Pascal’s consulting experience includes all aspects of market entry and growth strategies, including product, pricing, channel & route-to-market and digital & omnichannel, always rooted in a thorough understanding of consumer behaviour and trends. He holds an MBA from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, as well as a Master’s degree in Economics from Sorbonne University and a civil engineering degree from Paris Ecole Speciale des Travaux Public.   The CICC Team

Webinar | The Future of China’s Luxury Consumer, January 26th

26 Gennaio 2022
The Italian Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong and Macao and the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), supported by their Retail & Luxury Committee and Quality Council, are pleased to invite you to the webinar “Emerging from the Pandemic - The Future of China’s Luxury Consumer”.     Our speakers Ms Veronica Wang and Mr Pascal Martin, partners at OC&C Strategy Consultants, will help us examine the Chinese luxury consumer trends that emerged in the two-year Covid-19 pandemic. The webinar will discuss:  • Latest China market evolution and short to mid-term outlook • Major underlying fashion and luxury consumer trends among Chinese consumers, covering (among other topics): - Demographic shifts - Gen Z in the driver’s seat - Digital and omnichannel - A constantly evolving landscape and brands’ never-ending quest for consumer engagement - The Lower-tier city opportunity - What has changed - Converging sports and luxury - Lasting fad or long-term groundwave? - Nationalism and the Do’s and Don’ts of “Chinese for Chinese” design - Sustainability - How much do they care? Are they ready to pay for it? • What these trends mean for fashion and luxury brands, and how best-in-class brands tackle these trends Veronica and Pascal will draw their observations from their experiences leading multiple projects in the luxury sector and from the findings of an extensive research survey recently conducted in China. They presented these survey findings and market insights to Altagamma members in Italy at the end of 2021, receiving very positive feedback. Don't miss this webinar to gain valuable insight into Chinese luxury consumer trends! Interested in joining? Reserve your place. *Please note participation is free of charge; the webinar is for ICC and CICC members ONLY.   About OC&C Strategy Consultants OC&C Strategy Consultants is a global consulting firm focusing on strategy development, with a focus on consumer goods, retails, media & technology and B2B services.   About the speakers Ms Veronica Wang, Partner at OC&C Greater China Veronica has worked in strategy consulting for more than 12 years, specializing in consumer goods and retail sections, with a particular focus on luxury, fashion and beauty. Based in Greater China throughout her career, Veronica has developed deep knowledge and insights about the China market and Chinese consumers, advising a broad range of clients on their China/Asia market entry and growth strategies, including value proposition, assortment, pricing, distribution and marketing, etc. Veronica also regularly leads market and consumer studies in China, publishing a series of reports including recent ones on Gen-Z Consumers, Post-Covid Market Trends, Luxury E-commerce, 2nd hand Luxury Market, etc. She holds a Master’s degree in Economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in the US and a Bachelor’s degree in International Finance from Fudan University in China.   Mr Pascal Martin, Partner at OC&C Greater China Pascal started his consulting career with McKinsey in Los Angeles and Paris (1987-1993), then Booz Allen in Japan (1997-2003) and OC&C in Hong Kong since 2015, totalling 17 years in the consulting sector. He also held several senior management positions between consulting roles: CEO of Adidas Japan, Regional Director of M&S APAC, VP Strategy at Burberry APAC, CCO at Avon Japan (an interim role for a PE portfolio company) and CEO at Nissan Motors. Based in Greater China over the past 12 years, after 13 years in Japan, Pascal is an Asia expert. He has been advising a broad range of clients - global groups, industry disruptors and PE investors - on strategy, operational improvement and transformation management in Luxury, Fashion and Sports Apparel, Footwear, Cosmetics, Wine & Spirits and Automotive industries. Pascal’s consulting experience includes all aspects of market entry and growth strategies, including product, pricing, channel & route-to-market and digital & omnichannel, always rooted in a thorough understanding of consumer behaviour and trends. He holds an MBA from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business, as well as a Master’s degree in Economics from Sorbonne University and a civil engineering degree from Paris Ecole Speciale des Travaux Public.   The CICC Team


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